chapter five

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Raven p.o.v.

After We left my room and started walking to the training room, Me and Delsin are just talking. After the kiss on the cheek from Delsin and the compliments he said to me. I've been really happy since then. The kiss made me feel.... good. I actually felt something and it me feel happy. Do I like Delsin? Maybe. But I have a boyfriend and he loves me and I love him.... kinda. But all I know is that I can never tell Beastboy. He will go crazy if he found out Delsin kissed me. And thats a fight I think I don't want to happen.Cause with Beastboy's inner beast and Delsin's anger issues. The tower will have to go into repairing. Anyways, We were approaching the training room doors. We wewere hesitating on going in because we're scared of what obstacles Robin will throw our way once he sees our faces. We decided to man up and enter the training room. the team was waiting for us. What a shocker. "Finally you guys are here. Now before we all train together we need to see what Delsin can do first. We don't want to go into battle and have Delsin comprise the whole mission. So Delsin we are going to be in the safety box over there. We'll be controlling the robots from there. Wait here until we say go. Okay?" Robin said as he nodded. We all wished him good luck and Everyone except Delsin went to the safety box. I just hope Delsin can handle all of this.

Delsin p.o.v.

I'm just waiting for what seems to be digital robots to attack so I'm staying alert. Robin seems like those tough teachers so he could just activate the robots and not warn me about them.
Then I noticed this big buff robot that just charged at me. I decided to start with smoke because I got them first. It shot three missiles towards me. I smoke dashed past it and I looked through the glass of the safe box and saw all the titans jaw drop. I know I'm amazing but they all have better powers than me. Especially Raven. She's a freaking Demon for Christ saake! I smirked and hit the robot with my chain.then the robot grabbed my leg and slammed me on the floor. It started charging again So I smoke dashed away from it and shooting it and hit it with missile and it was destroyed but smoke was everywhere in the air. I absorbed it and told the titans to send out another one but to turn off the lights this time. Puzzled looks on their faces but they did what I requested. My next trick is neon. I saw the robot enter the room. It was a bit bigger than the other one but nothing I can't handle. I neon sprinted on the side of the wall and kept shooting it. Then I got down and started hitting it with the chain. But the chain wasn't bendy it was stiff. It was like a stick of light. But This robot was tough and the robot shot my right leg. It really hurt. But my fast healing was helping the pain go away. "Wow I really underestimated Cyborg's technology" I said. Raven came over the P.A. system.
"Commence shut down immediately" Raven said. The robot powered down and I was a little pissed off. "Raven what are you doing? I could have taken him" I said irritated. "No you couldn't. You have been shot Delsin you need to get to the emergency room and get bandaged up". "Here, let me help you up" She said using her powers "Raven I don't need to go to the emergency room"I said. "And why not?!" Raven said "look" I said as I removed my hand from my leg. The wound was healed. "I don't understand. I didn't heal you and you just got shot" Raven said confused. It's soo cute how she gets so confused. It makes me want to kiss her so bad. "Fast healing. One of the perks of being a conduit" I said smiling. She chuckled a little and dropped me gently on the floor. Beastboy was just watching me and giving a dirty look. Wonder what that's all about. Robin came down followed by the team. "Nice work Delsin. You should probably sit out the training session since you got shot...." I interrupted Robin. "Are you mad. I want to train with you guys. Seems like fun. Sure I got a little cocky but this time I'll really bring it". They all nodded except Beastboy. Wow what is with this guy. One minute we are friends snd the next he is eyeing me down like the last slice of pizza. Anyway, We were training half the day. We were all exhausted. We were all walking down the hall "don't worry guys I show you the rest of my moves another time. Promise" I said. They all started laughing and Raven and Beastboy went into Beastboy's room. I felt a little sad because I kinda liked Raven and to see her hold hands with Beastboy. My heart just crushes into two. If Raven was mine I would treat her right. I'd love her until the day we die. I would protect her with my life. I don't care if she's a demon. People treat me like a demon before I saved them from the torturous Augustine. But I'm a conduit and Raven's a demon. Sure we dont't match. But my love for her would be strong and holding. But she's not mine so I guess I have to deal with.

2 hours later

We were all watching a movie(except Beastboy and Raven) when the door bell rang. "Wow I didn't know you guys have visitors" I said "We usually don't. The only time we have visitors is for parties and mission alerts" Robin said he went to go answer the door. "So Starfire. How's the relationship between you and Robin going?" I asked. "Glorious! We have held hands at one point and we did the making out, too! Delsin I must thank you for the good advice you have given me" Starfire said as she gave me a death hug. "No... problem Star. Glad to help... Starfire you're killing me" I said trying to breathe. She let me go from what it seems to be more of a choke hold then a hug. "My apologies friend Delsin. I'm still trying to control my strength" she said. I nodded while panting trying to catch my breath. My loud panting got to the point where Cyborg had to hush me up by putting his cold metal robot finger on me lips. I was about to say something when Cyborg had his other hand behind his ear and told me to listen. All I could hear was Robin's loud talking. Wait. Maybe Cyborg was trying to hear Robin's loud talking. I gestured to Cyborg that we should go see what the problem was. Starfire and Cyborg nodded. Me,Starfire and Cyborg came to the door to see what's up. Starfire and Cyborg gasped and Cyborg said
"BB's not going to like this". What's Beastboy got to do with this?
It was just a girl with blonde hair and a black t-shirt and brown shorts. She also had a slim body. She looked at me for a breif second and looked at Robin. "Who's this?" She said gesturing to me. "This is Delsin Rowe. He is a conduit" Starfire interduced me. "Hi, might I asked what's your name?" I asked politely. Before my parents died they taught me proper manners. Without them I'm just a rude little skate punk who violates private property. "Name's Terra" she said. I nodded. A random blonde girl who's name is Terra? Yeah still not seeing what's the problem here.
"So where's Beasty?" Terra said in a girly voice. As she said the name 'Beasty' I got the picture. Wait until Beastboy sees her. But I wonder why they all hate Terra? She seems like a nice girl. I wonder what she did to make them hate her so much? "I really don't think BB would want to see you anytime soon. Not after what you did to him" Cyborg said. Wait? What did she do? Why isn't anyone dropping any hints here. I don't want to ask because its probably a Teen Titan secret thing. Suddenly Raven and Beastboy walked in. But Raven was 2 minutes behind Beastboy. Usually Raven and Beastboy would be walking in the same pace and holding hands. What happened between those two? Why did Raven look so disturbed and shoken. And Beastboy looked so happy and fresh. But when he saw Terra by the door, that smile immediately got wiped off of his face.
"What are you doing here Terra" he growled. Terra looked a little shocked at his response. "I came to see you Beasty" she said hugging him. Beastboy pushed her off of him and went back to Raven. Crap! I said Crap for 2 reasons: 1, I was going to talk to Raven but Beasty showed up. 2,Terra just got shoved by the most smallest guy on the team. Ouch! Terra then turn to Robin and got on her knees.
"Ok ok I'm sorry for betraying you guys I'm sorry but please let me back in and I promise I will not let you down" she begged. Robin was about to say no when Starfire convinced him into giving her one last chance. Wow Starfire can be very persuasive. "Fine but if you betray us this time. I promise you that I will kill you Terra" Robin stated. Whoa I didn't see Robin as a killer type. But I guess I haven't been here long enough to see his true personality.
Terra nodded and hugged everyone except me and Robin and Raven.
We all walked to our rooms now to get ready for bed. I don't know about Terra. Maybe she shouldn't be here. I don't trust her but if everyone else can give her a chance so can I.

As I got in my room, I sat on my bed and called Fetch. I needed to know how Fetch and Eugene were doing. "Hey guys what's up. How is everything?" I asked. "Nothing much. Me and angle boy just stopped a D.U.P. raid" Fetch said. "Is that Delsin?! Tell him I said hi!" I heard Eugene yell from the background. "Ha! Tell Eugene I said hi. You were right Fetch.I mean it's going great in Jump City. I met the Teen Titans and they gave me a place to crash for a while. I might stay a little longer actually" I said. "Delsin's getting attached to Jump City. Stop him Fetch!" Eugene said. I was just laughing. "Listen D I'm glad you're having fun but you can't stay there longer. You gotta come home to Seattle. Where you belong."

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