chapter twenty-three

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Raven p.o.v.

I woke up feeling a little groggy. I looked around to remember that I'm still in this hellhole. "Great. Just great" I said. Why didn't Delsin come save me yet. "Let me guess. You thought you'd be home by now but no one is even looking for you. Join the club. Hi I'm Emily" she said. "Hi I'm Raven and yes I thought I'd be home by now. Can you read minds or something?" I asked. "No but you had that look on your face. I've worn that look. But I am a conduit" Emily said. "Wait you're a conduit. What kind of powers do you have?" I asked. "I have the power of metal. I can control anything that is made with metal" she said. "The cell bars are made of metal why didn't you break out of here?" I asked. "Augustine binded up my hands so I can't but if I could I wouldn't because it'll be dangerous for you and the baby" Emily said pointing to my belly. Wow she doesn't even know me and she is so carrying. "How did the they catch you?" I asked "long story short: Augustine will still hunt down conduits even if she is trying to kill Delsin" Emily said. I'm not even worried about myself. All I can think of was Delsin. I hope he's ok. "Shut up in there. We're trying to call the Titans" Augustine said. Emily just scoffed at her. "Exuse me" Augustine said as she stuck a concrete shard up Emily's ankle. "Owww!" She shouted and fell to her knees. "Stop it you're hurting her. Stop!" I shouted. "Enough! The Titans aren't answering. That means their on their way here" Slade said. "Ok let me deal with Delsin. It'll be an easy fight" Malchior said walking up to the conference screen. "If you dare touch him you'll wish you haven't even lived" I said. "Oh don't worry about. It will be quick and painless. He won't even feel a thing" Malchior said walking up to the cell door. "Then me and you can be together forever" Malchior said trying to kiss me through the the cell bars. I tried to move back but Malchior used his magic to pull me to him and kiss him. I wanted to gag. But I held it in. "And when I get my Raven I will soon get my beautiful girl Starfire after I take out Robin" Red X said. "Robin is stronger than you'll ever be" I said. "Really? You think the fabulous Boy Wonder can stop me.I'd like to see him try" Red X said. "Then you'll get your chance" Robin said appearing from the front door with the rest of the Titans. "Raven!" Delsin shouted. "Delsin!" I shouted. "Don't worry I'm coming to get you" Delsin said as he ran to me.
"Not without a fight!!" Malchior said as he pushed Delsin to the wall and held him by his coller. I tried breaking the cell bars with my powers but I'm too weak. "You guys! Help him!" I shouted at the the rest of the Titans. "TITANS ATTACK!!!" Robin ordered. "Not so fast, I'm still here" Red X said as he kicked Robin in the stomach. Fetch freed me and Emily. Fetch broke off Emily's 'special' handcuffs. "Is your ankle ok?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm a conduit. Fast healing" Emily said. "So you wouldn't mind on helping us defeat some bad guys?" I asked smirking. "I thought you'd never ask" Emily chuckled and ran in the middle of the battle zone and shapeshift her hands into metal hammers. Wow. She can really kick ass. Now my turn. Some of Slade's drones came my way. Even when I'm pregnant and my powers are weak I can still destroy his drones. Slade really needs to upgrade his tech. I glanced over at Delsin and he's kicking Malchior ass right now. Delsin kept hitting Malchior with his chain. Malchior is taking a beating. Then Delsin used his video sword to hit Malchior when Malchior tried to run away. Delsin neon sprinted to Malchior and kicked his face. Malchior tried to use his magic shards but Delsin use concrete to block the shards.
Then out of nowhere Augustine just jumps in and kicked his leg. Delsin is injured until his fast healing kicks in. But Malchior and Augustine didn't give his healing a chance because they kept hitting Delsin until his fast healing fails. But Fetch and Eugene came in and Eugene swiped her away. Slade finally came on the battle zone. "Titans.Titans. TITANS!
You are such fools to think that you'll possibly win this fight" he said. "It's over Slade. Just give up!" Robin yelled. "Oh my dearest friend Robin. You think this is over!" Slade said as he fly kicked Robin in the air. "Robin!" Starfire shouted. "If you dare touch him again and you'll...." Delsin was interrupted by Slade. "Oh Delsin. The hero of the hour. Your that brother of that pathetic cop... whats his name.. um.. oh yes Reggie" Slade mocked Delsin. "Oh yes him. He was the cheif of the police. I remember the day I killed him. What a fun day it was for me" Augustine said laughing with Slade. I looked at Delsin. His eyes were changing colors again. Delsin's getting angry. " Reggie" Delsin said. "Oh look guys. Delsin getting sad because his brother died. Aww" Malchior mocked. Delsin's eyes were starting to glow. "SHUT UP!!" Delsin said in his 'other' voice. Delsin grabbed Malchior's head and shook his head but he had smoke coming out of his hands. Then Malchior just a puff of smoke. Delsin... just killed Malchior. Oh my god. I can't believe this. Red X was trying to attack Delsin. Robin used this advantage and kicked his leg and broke it. Then tied up Red X. Delsin was fighting Slade and Fetch and Eugene were fighting Augustine. She is a powerful conduit. "Face it Delsin. You're no match for me" Slade said dodging one of Delsin's punches. He blocked Delsin's kick and then grabbed his arm and twisted it and kicked his stomach and flipped him. Delsin shot up and grabbed Slade's leg and cut it off with his video claws. Slade screamed loud for the loss of his leg. Delsin grabbed Slade by his neck and we all watched Slade squirm. Delsin ripped off Slade's mask. Their was a old man with one eye under the mask. "This is how you die!!!" Delsin said as he used his video claws and stabbed Slade through the chest and grabbed his heart.
Ok Delsin is becoming a killer. "Delsin! Delsin! Stop this! This isn't you!" I shouted. Delsin just pushed me away. This is not Delsin. Then Delsin's legs are just started turning into concrete statue. I looked at Augustine who was doing this. "It's the only way to save the town" she said. "NO JUST LET ME DO THIS!!!!" I shouted. Then Delsin was fully turned into a statue. But then it started shaking. Then Delsin just broke out of the concrete like it was nothing. Then Delsin ran at Augustine as the concrete bulldozer and knocked Augustine down. Beastboy went to go check her pulse. "She is fine but she's out cold" Beastboy said. I guess Delsin heard that because Delsin started walking his way to Augustine's unconscious body. "Delsin stop!" I said to get his attention. "Look me in my eyes" I said. I had to grab his head to do so. "I'm fine you're ok. Reggie would'vebeen proud of you" I said smiling. "Reggie...." Delsin said with a tear coming down his face. "Yes Reggie... he is soo proud of you. He loves you" I said. Then Delsin's eyes were changing colors again. From brownish gold to greenish blue. "Raven what happened. Ate you ok" I heard him say. I zoned out for a second. "Raven what's wrong?! You're scaring me!" Delsin said. "I'm fine it's just.... my water just broke"

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