chapter fifteen

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Delsin p.o.v.

Me,Raven,Beastboy,Terra and Cyborg were just talking about what the baby's name is gonna be and if it's going to be a boy or girl. I hope it's both but if i had to choose it would be a girl. I always wanted a girl. "Hey Delsin?" Raven called. "Yes Raven". "I've always wanted a girl too" Raven said. Whoa! How did she know I wanted a girl. I didn't even say that! "How did you know I wanted a girl? I didn't tell you that" I said. "I read your mind" she said. "You can do that?" I asked. "No I just figured it out. I just wanted to know what you were thinking about and then I just read your. Like it just happened" Raven said. Wow! My mind isn't safe when she's around. Guess I'll just have to say what's on my mind.
Then Starfire ran into the room with the biggest smile on her face. Then Robin walked in next. He looked happy for some reason when he walked in. Wonder what that's all about. "Friends I have the most wonderful news" Starfire said as she flew around us really fast. She flew so fast that it almost gave Raven whiplash. I had to help Raven sit down before she fainted from becoming dizzy. Starfire stopped flying around for a sec and helped me put Raven down to sit. "Sorry friend Raven. I did not realize that you are a little unstable now" Starfire apologized. "It's okay Star. Now continue with your news" Raven said. "Now friends it is important that I tell you all that Robin has asked for my hand in marriage!" Starfire squeaked.
Raven stood up and hugged Starfire in excitement. Terra then went to Starfire and congratulated Raven and Starfire. Me Beastboy and Cyborg went to Robin and give him a pat on the back. "Finally dude you asked her" Beastboy said.
"Yeah bro now as your best man I will do all I ca..." Cyborg was interrupted. "Wait a minute... why does he get to be the best man?" Beastboy questioned. "Because I'm more dedicated then you" Cyborg laughed in his face. "Actually guys I want my best man to be Delsin" Robin said.
Beastboy and Cyborg turned their heads to Robin in shock. Even I was shocked.
"If it wasn't for Delsin, me and Starfire wouldn't even be going out" Robin said. "Oh it was no problem Robin really" I said being modest.
"Oh yes the new kid helped the two crazy love birds get together" an anonymous voice said. We all looked around to see who said it but I think Raven knew who it was because she didn't look surprised as everyone else. I walked to her. "Raven do you know who this is?" I asked.
She stayed silent but nodded.
"Tell me". "She doesn't have to tell you when I can" the voice said. But this figure came out of the window and showed his face. all the Titans were shocked. Except me of course. "Hello my name is Malchior. Raven's ex-boyfriend" he said moving his hand out for me to shake it.
"What are you doing here Malchior?" Raven questions.
"To win back my girl from Beastboy but I see you have a new boyfriend. What's your name?" He asked me.
"My name is Delsin. Delsin Rowe" I said proudly.
"Wait you mean that conduit that took down 15 million D.U.P. soldiers. Wow. You chose a good one" Malchior said to Raven but gesturing to me. I scoffed. "But not good enough to keep me away from Raven". "Excuse me?" I said. "Malchior please just...go away!!" Raven said. "But my dearest Ra.." "MALCHIOR I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE. NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME. I LOVE DELSIN. GET OUT!!" Raven shouted but almost lost control but almost fainted but Robin caught her. "Wait did you get my Raven pregnant Delsin?" Malchior asked. I stayed quiet. "It's none of your concern!" Robin said. "Oh shame I guess I have to kill the baby too" he said as he attacked Raven's unconscious body but I body checked him and we both flew out the window. I don't know about him but I can fly..... kinda. I Flew to a nearby building with my video wings.
He landed on the ground. Hard. Oh. I guess he can't fly after all. But he was able to stand up and fight. I landed on the ground. I tried to attack but then I was floating. I didn't think that he would probably have powers as well. Especially not powers like Raven. Really. I need to start thinking more often. He threw me to a brick wall and then slammed me on the ground. I got up and shot my smoke missile at him. It hit and he flew a few miles but then landed on the ground. He got up and ran to me and used his telekinesis and picked up some cars to throw them at me. I smirked and ran at him as a concrete bulldozer. It hit me and it felt like a pillow. I'm covered with concrete. Its not going to hurt. Dumbass! As he threw the cars I knocked them by running at them with my concrete bulldozer strength.
He looked shocked but threw more cars my way. I had enough of this. I then used my neon special move. The neon specialty is that it traps the enemies into a neon bubble then I shoot at them with neon bolts subduing or killing them. I decided to subdue him since killing him would not be cool. He's probably a nice guy who has a hard time letting things go. As I shot the neon bolts at him, the citizens in the area came to see what happened. They started clapping at my appearance. The Titans came after that. "Don't worry about him. The authorities will take care of him. Is Raven ok?" They nodded. "She is on her bed trying to relax. She's worrying about you. You'd better go" Cyborg said. I nodded and neon sprinted through the building just to get to Raven's room. As I got to the door to Raven's room I opened it to see Raven pacing back and forth. "Delsin I've been so worried about you. Are you okay?" Raven asked putting her hands on my cheeks. "Yes Raven I am fine. He was a little stronger than I thought but I took care of it" I said. "But if he.. what if you.. if anything happened to you I swear to God" Raven said. "Raven I'm fine. I'm here with you. Okay nothing is gonna happen" I said. "But you can't always win your fights Delsin. What if Malchior comes back and kills You" Raven said. "Raven you have nothing to worry about I said. "Have I ever told you that you are beautiful. Because if I didn't then I'm telling you now. You look beautiful" I said. "Nice try. Don't change the subject" Raven said. "I'm being serious" I said as I was looking at Raven and just thought 'God if she wasn't pregnant I would have...' my thoughts were interrupted by Raven."You know I can read your mind? Right?" Raven said chuckling. I was turning bright red of embarrassment
She walked up to me and kissed me passionately. "Don't be embarrassed. You're my fiancé and I love you" Raven said as she hugged me. I hugged back. "I love you too Raven.
Hey tomorrow do you what to see the space needle?
And then I can show you around Seattle" I said.
"I'd love to. But I don't really think it's the best idea because I am pregnant and I pregnant ladies are really lazy at this stage" she said. I nodded but I just wanted tomorrow to be about us. Besides my Birthday is coming up and all I wanna do is spend time with Raven. That is my one and only birthday wish.
"Okay then we can do something else tomorrow then. It doesn't matter as long as we spend time together" I said. "I want to spend time with you too baby" Raven said kissing me. She held on to my hand and pulled me into bed with her. I wasn't tired but if Raven wanted me in bed then that's where I'll be.
She kissed my neck and told me goodnight. "But it's only 7:30" I said. "But I'm tired. And you knocked me up so you have to sleep with me". Okay that's a good point. I did get her pregnant. Then
my phone started vibrating.
I was getting a text. I wonder who it could be. It's probably Eugene trying to get me to play Heavens Hellfire with him. Not doing that ever again.
I picked up my phone and checked to see who if I was right.
It was a random text from an unknown number. It said
"You think you got rid of me. No. You only tested me and I am ready for the challenge and I'm now coming for you and to take what is rightfully mine"
I got a little freaked out by this message. Who is this guy and did I take from him. Then I noticed something. I usually kill D.U.P. soldiers and subdue drug dealers. And I dont think a random normal person would want to fight a conduit like me. So cross that off the list. I haven't really fought anyone until...... today. It was Malchior. And he was after...... my Raven. Uh oh this isn't good

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