Chapter Three - Grand Wedding

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The Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel, New York City. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow on the opulent scene. Guests, a mix of Manhattan socialites and business tycoons, mingle, their conversations laced with whispers and curious glances. Jenevi, radiant in a simple yet elegant white gown, stands at the altar with Curtis by her side. Her smile seems strained, a shadow of worry lingering in her eyes.

Melissa, resplendent in a ruby gown that seems to radiate disapproval, sits in the front row, her gaze fixed on Jenevi. Xavier, his face mirroring his mother's coldness, sits beside her. Atiye, hidden amongst the crowd, watches with a mix of hope and fear.

Xaviar: You should be happy mom! Our luck is at last changing!

Xaviar was happy. Partnership with Rayns meant money and money and getting rid of Jenevi as well. Now there was no one to save Atiye from him.

The officiant begins the ceremony, his voice echoing through the hushed ballroom. Jenevi, her voice trembling slightly, recites her vows, expressing her love and commitment to Curtis. His vows, passionate and seemingly genuine, bring tears to her eyes.

Curtis grabbed her hand in a polite way after vows and I do's, when they exchanged the ring. He held her hand and kissed it and slide down the beautiful 8 karat diamond ring on her finger.

She gasped! "It's beautiful! "

"Not more than you!" Curtis smiled making Jenevi giggle.

After the ring ceremony the priest declared them Husband and Wife.

"You may now kiss the bride "

Curtis leaned towerds Jenevi and kissed her sweetly while whispering, "From now, you're mine. And you'll be mine, every day for the rest of your life."

The hall gasped over the newlyweds. A group of reporters floods the room, cameras flashing and microphones thrust forward.

Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow on the dance floor, their light reflecting off the myriad facets of Jenevi's wedding dress. Her laughter mingled with the melody as she twirled in Curtis's arms, their smiles painting a picture of pure joy. Yet, Atiye, standing on the sidelines, felt a pang of loneliness pierce her heart.

Suddenly, a shadow fell across her. A boy stood before her, his eyes the color of hazel, framed by cascading dark curls that kissed his forehead. His smile was disarming, hesitant, yet undeniably charming. "May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice a baritone melody.

Atiye's breath hitched. In all her life, she had never encountered such handsomeness. His eyes, with their swirling flecks of hazel, seemed to hold a universe of unspoken emotions. For a moment, she was lost in their depths, unable to form a coherent response.

"Atiye? Earth to Atiye," Jenevi's voice chimed, snapping her out of her trance. A blush bloomed on Atiye's cheeks as she stammered, "Y-yes, of course."

As their hands connected, a jolt of electricity shot through Atiye's arm. His touch was gentle, hesitant, yet spoke volumes. They swayed to the music, their conversation a light murmur amidst the cacophony of the celebration. But even amongst the joyous chaos, Xaviar's watchful gaze found them. His face contorted in a mask of fury, jealousy burning in his eyes.

With a predatory stride, he stalked towards them, his presence radiating negativity. As if sensing the approaching storm, the boy turned to Atiye, his smile fading. "Is everything alright?" he asked, concern etching lines on his face.

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