Chapter Thirty Eight - No Need to Say Goodbye

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The air hung heavy with unspoken emotions as Atiye and Timothee stood poised for departure. Mehmet, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and sorrow, placed a hand on Atiye's shoulder.

Mehmet: My sunflower, you bloom anew with each passing day. Remember, you have a home here, always.

Atiye's voice hitched as she hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Baba. I promise I'll come back soon. We'll call regularly, keep you updated on everything."

Mehmet nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I look forward to it. And take care of her, Timothee, as if she were your own."

Timothee met his gaze, his expression resolute. "Sir, with every fiber of my being."

Azize approached, a tear glistening in her eye. She held out a small box wrapped in traditional Turkish silk.

Azize: This is for you, Atiye. A daughter deserves gifts from her mother.

Atiye opened the box, her breath catching in her throat. Inside were intricately embroidered handkerchiefs, a silver locket engraved with a delicate flower, and a small charm bracelet adorned with turquoise stones. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Azize: (Voice trembling) We never had a child, Atiye. But seeing you… you're the daughter I always wished for.

Atiye threw her arms around Azize, sobbing openly. This woman, who could have been a stranger, had offered her a mother's love, a connection she never thought she'd have. "Th..thank you.. Mother" Atiye whispered.

Azize's eyes became full as Atiye called her mother for the very first time.

The farewells were tearful, promises of future visits exchanged. As the plane soared into the sky, leaving the Istanbul skyline behind, a hollow ache settled in Atiye's chest.

Timothee, sensing her sadness, took her hand in his. "It's okay to cry, my love. We'll be back soon, and this distance won't change a thing."

Atiye leaned into his warmth, finding solace in his familiar presence. As the journey progressed, they reminisced about their adventure, the laughter and discoveries woven into the fabric of their love.

Finally, they landed, their cozy yellow house welcoming them with its warm glow. Stepping inside, Atiye inhaled the familiar scent of home, a sense of calm washing over her.

Atiye: (Smiling through tears) We're back, Timothee. Back in our little haven.

Timothee pulled her close, his lips brushing against her ear. "We are, my love. And no matter where life takes us, this will always be our starting point, our sanctuary."

They spent the evening wrapped in each other's arms, sharing stories, dreams, and plans for the future. Despite the bittersweet goodbye, they held onto the promise of returning, forever connected to the land that had brought them closer, the city that held the whispers of a newfound family.

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