Chapter Twenty Four - The Amaya Connection

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We built our connection slowly, savoring each moment, a balm to the wounds we both carried. Yet, a sliver of doubt lingered in my mind. I was taking my own time to heal my wounds. Yet a question never left my mind, "Was I merely a reflection of his lost love, Amaya, drawn in by a phantom resemblance?" The question festered, unspoken, fearing to tear open the scars Tim had so gently treated.

Grandma Regina, bless her soul, requested childhood photos. Jenevi unearthed our dusty album, their laughter echoing as they mocked our younger selves. I had few pictures, each one precious. Then, my gaze fell upon a treasured image: Mom, Amaya, and me at eleven, Amaya a radiant thirteen. A lump formed in my throat, tears pricking at my eyes.

Suddenly, Jenevi announced, "Hey Tim, you're late!"

Turning towards the gate, my breath hitched. Timothee stood there, a smile that faltered upon seeing the photo in my hand.

"What did I miss?"

"Me," I replied, a nervous smile playing on my lips.

"Of course I missed you, love," he murmured, drawing closer.

Hesitantly, I offered the photo. "Want to see some childhood pictures with my mom and sister?"

He mumbled, "Your sister… Amaya…"

Panic clawed at my throat. Why the reaction? Did he suspect the unthinkable, that Amaya and I shared blood? Was I just a replacement, a convenient echo of his lost love?

Lost in my turmoil, Jenevi's voice startled me, "Ati? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I choked out, the word hollow.

Tim sat beside me, gently taking my hand. "I'd love to see them."

"Here," I whispered, passing him the photo, my hand trembling.


No. It couldn't be. This was Amaya, her younger self staring back at me from the faded print. I knew her childhood pictures by heart, her smile at 21 mirrored here at 13. I wouldn't mistake her for anyone.

"This… this girl…" I stammered, "she's Amaya!"

Curtis snatched the photo, his gasp echoing in the stunned silence. "Dear God, how is this possible?"

"I remember her childhood pictures like a cherished book!" I exclaimed, the pieces clicking into place. "Your eyes, Atiye, the way you smile… it's uncanny. That's why you felt so familiar, like a ghost of Amaya… You.. You're sisters!!"

Atiye's voice, barely a whisper, confirmed my worst fear. "And that's why you fell in love with me."

Her accusation pierced my heart. "No, Atiye, never! Yes, the resemblance drew me in, but I love you for who you are, your strength, your kindness. You understand that, don't you?"

Tears welled up in her eyes. "No, Tim, I don't. I don't know anymore."

I reached for her, longing to hold her close, but she recoiled.

"Not now, Tim. Leave me alone."

Her pain tore at me, a mirror reflecting my own. My past, a jagged shard, threatened to rip apart the fragile present we'd built. My world felt like the Titanic, listing with a single, fatal gash.


His words hung heavy in the air, an accusation and a plea all at once. But how could I believe him? Was I just a convenient echo of his lost love, a reminder of what he could never have? My heart hammered against my ribs, a trapped bird desperate for escape.

"No, Timothee," I rasped, my voice raw with unshed tears. "I need time. Please."

He reached for me, a flicker of desperation in his eyes, but I retreated, the touch too much to bear. "Just… let me breathe," I choked out, the plea barely audible.

As if sensing the storm brewing within me, Jenevi rushed to my side, her hand reaching for mine. But I pulled away, seeking the cold comfort of solitude. With a trembling hand, I turned and raced towards the stairs, each step echoing the chaos in my soul.

The familiar creak of the floorboards beneath my feet became a deafening rhythm, urging me onward. Bursting into my room, I slammed the door shut, the satisfying thud a fragile barrier against the world outside. Tears finally spilled over, hot and uncontrollable, blurring the edges of my vision.

Jenevi's voice, muffled by the wood, called my name, laced with concern and fear. But I couldn't answer, couldn't face her kindness when my very core felt fractured. Sinking to the floor, I curled into myself, seeking solace in the darkness.

Outside, the world continued, oblivious to the turmoil within this small room. Laughter and hushed whispers drifted through the door, each sound a needle pricking at my already frayed nerves. How could they laugh, how could they be carefree, when my world had just come crashing down?

For now, the darkness was my solace, the silence my sanctuary. Here, amongst the shadows, I could unravel the tangled threads of my emotions, confront the doubts that gnawed at my heart. Whether I would find answers or be consumed by the darkness, only time would tell.

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