Chapter Thirty Nine - This is Atiye, Atiye Mehmet Ergec

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Sunlight peeked through the curtains, painting golden stripes across the bed. Timothee stretched, expecting to find Atiye nestled beside him. But the space beside him was cold, the sheets undisturbed. A pang of worry tightened his chest as he called her name, his voice echoing unanswered through the house.

His search led him to the living room, where he found Atiye huddled on the floor, the glow of her phone casting harsh shadows on her tear-streaked face. Her soft sobs tore at his heart, urging him to her side. Hesitantly, he knelt before her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Atiye, my love, what's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern.

With a shuddering breath, she handed him her phone. The screen displayed a barrage of hateful comments, venomous barbs fueled by prejudice and ignorance. They mocked her heritage, her appearance, her very existence alongside him. Timothee's jaw clenched tight, anger simmering in his eyes.

He pulled her into a tight embrace, shielding her from the digital storm. "Don't listen to them, my love. Their words hold no power over us. They're spewing hate from behind keyboards, hiding in the shadows of anonymity. You are strong, beautiful, and deserve only love and respect."

His words were a balm to her wounded spirit, but the sting of the comments lingered. Timothee knew he had to do something, not just for her, but for them. In that moment, a decision crystallized in his mind.

The "Wonka" premiere loomed. It was a night meant for flashing lights and red carpets, not declarations of love. Yet, Timothee saw an opportunity, a platform to use his voice for something more meaningful.

As Atiye dressed in a pretty outfit, shimmering like moonlight, a nervous flutter danced in her stomach. This wasn't the red carpet debut she imagined, not when it was fueled by the need to confront negativity.

As Timothee took her hand, his eyes held a fierce determination. "Are you ready, my love?"

She nodded, a tremor in her voice, "A bit afraid, but I got you love."

imothee smiled.

The flashing lights blinded them momentarily, the roar of the crowd a deafening wall of sound. Yet, hand in hand, they walked with their heads held high, a united front against the tide of hate.

Reaching the podium, Timothee silenced the murmurs and cleared his throat. His gaze swept across the expectant faces, finally landing on Atiye, his love radiating from his eyes.

"Tonight," he began, his voice ringing out with quiet power, "isn't just about celebrating a movie. It's about celebrating love, acceptance, and the courage to stand up for what's right."

Then, taking Atiye's hand, he looked into her eyes, his declaration echoing through the hall. "This is Atiye Mehmet Ergec, the woman who stole my heart. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

The silence that followed was deafening, then erupted into thunderous applause. Cameras flashed, capturing the raw emotion on their faces, the love story unfolding before the world.

That night, they didn't just walk the red carpet; they took a stand. The hate comments didn't disappear, but their voices, their love story, resonated louder. They faced the storm together, and in doing so, ignited a spark of hope, a beacon of love that could weather any darkness.

Atiye's Look:

Timothee's Look:

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Timothee's Look:

Timothee's Look:

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