Chapter Five - Soft Embrace

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"A new husband picks up his wife in his arms and takes her through the doorstep for a good long happy marriage "

Sunlight streamed through the arched doorway, casting warm squares on the cool marble floor. The scent of polished wood and blooming jasmine mingled in the air as Curtis, his face aglow with boyish triumph, carried Jenevi across the threshold. Her laughter, light and airy, contrasted with Atiye's hesitant smile, caught between the joy for her sister and the bittersweet pang of her own longing.

"Welcome home, sweethearts," boomed a voice tinged with laughter lines. A woman, her silver hair pulled back in a neat bun, emerged from the shadows. Sofie, Curtis's grandmother, exuded a quiet authority that softened at the sight of the young couple. Curtis playfully nudged Jenevi towards her, his touch lingering a beat too long, sending a shy blush dusting her cheeks.

"Grandma, presenting you my beautiful bride," Curtis announced, a hint of mock formality in his voice.

Sofie's sharp eyes twinkled. "As if I don't recognize our sweet Jen?" she chuckled, tapping Jenevi's shoulder with surprising strength. "And you must be Atiye," she added, her gaze turning to the younger sister. "Make yourself at home, pretty young lady."

"My home," Atiye mumbled, the words echoing strangely in the cavernous hall. Sofie, ever perceptive, caught the flicker of longing in her eyes. "Why don't you children go freshen up?" she suggested, her voice softer now. "I imagine the wedding excitement wore you all out." She winked at Jenevi. "I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. Curt's grandfather, bless his soul, almost tripped over his own feet at the altar." Her eyes misted over for a moment before she chuckled, the sound tinged with bittersweet memories.

As Jenevi and Atiye climbed the grand staircase, the scent of lavender sachets and old books wafted from the open doorways. Sunlight danced on intricate tapestries depicting fantastical creatures and forgotten battles. Atiye's fingers trailed along the cool banister, a silent plea escaping her lips, "I wish I had someone like her while growing up."

Descending the stairs, Jenevi's hand brushed against Atiye's. "Don't be silly, you've her now." she whispered, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Now Grandma won't be able to handle just me teasing her, will she?"

Martha, the housekeeper, materialized at the top of the stairs, her starched uniform and kind eyes a comforting presence. With a gentle smile, she guided Atiye towards her room. As Atiye locked the door and her gaze swept across the space, a wave of mixed emotions washed over her.

The room was awash in a symphony of browns. Deep mahogany furniture gleamed under the soft glow of bedside lamps, and rich chocolate tones dominated the plush drapes and carpeting. It was a stark contrast to the stark white walls and sterile environment she had escaped from earlier. While part of her appreciated the warmth and coziness, another part couldn't help but wonder - How come her room was that much pretty!!

 While part of her appreciated the warmth and coziness, another part couldn't help but wonder - How come her room was that much pretty!!

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She sat on the bed and noticed the sheets were really soft and comfortable. And with the weather freezing outside, the room was really cozy.

She smiled for a moment but the specter of Xaviar's words, his chilling threats, soon chased away the light. The very thought of sharing a bed again, of being trapped in his suffocating hold, sent shivers down her spine. It seemed impossible to reconcile the image of Xaviar with the glimmer of hope Curtis represented. Today's morning had held no inkling of this new reality, a reality where Curtis was now a lifeline thrown across a treacherous current.

She purses her lips and closed her eyes, whispering to calm her nerves down "It'll pass."

She opened her eyes and sighed. Getting up from the bed, walked to the bathroom and washed all the makeup from her face but not her body. She held the white sink basin and looked at herself in the mirror as the water on her chin dripped on the sink. She could hear every drop hitting down.

She took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, holding back the warm tears. She washed her face again and dried it with the clean white towel near the sink.

The descending steps led Atiye back into the heart of the mansion, where Sofie sat bathed in the warm glow of a lamp, a porcelain cup cradled in her hands. The gentle clinking of a spoon against the cup was the only sound in the hushed room. Beside her, a steaming plate of food awaited, untouched.

"You haven't eaten?" Atiye inquired, her voice softer than expected.

Sofie's smile, though kind, held a tinge of sadness. "I had my fill earlier, child," she replied, her gaze flickering to the untouched plate.

"Jenevi and Curtis? " Atiye questioned her while sitting in front of her.

"I've sent there food at their bedroom. They must be exhausted and also it's their time now." She gestured towards an unseen room upstairs. "A stolen moment of romance before tomorrow's grand welcome for our new daughter-in-law."

Atiye nodded, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I'm so happy for Jenevi," she admitted, her voice filled with warmth. "She deserves the world, and it seems Curtis wants to give it to her."

Sofie's eyes twinkled with approval. "Yes, dear. That he does. Now, you! Tell me about yourself, sweetheart ."

Atiye's smile faltered slightly. "About me?" she echoed, surprised. "There's not much to tell."

"Don't be silly," Sofie chuckled, her voice laced with gentle wisdom. "A young woman like you, radiating such beauty... surely there's a special someone in your life?"

Atiye's fingers tightened around her fork, a wave of conflicting emotions washing over her. The "beauty" Sofie admired was the very source of her pain, the catalyst for so much suffering. Could she confess the darkness that lurked beneath the surface?

She managed a weak smile, her voice barely a whisper. "Not right now," she admitted. "Maybe..." Her gaze trailed off, seeking solace in the flickering flames of the fireplace.

Suddenly, Regina's hand reached out, gently tapping Atiye's. "There's no shame in being alone, child," she said, her voice husky with understanding. "But if you ever wish to seek companionship, know that this old lady has a knack for finding the perfect match."


The clock chimed midnight, its solemn toll echoing through the vast mansion. Atiye lay on the plush bed, her eyes flitting nervously across the unfamiliar shadows. Despite the warmth of the room, a chill danced across her skin, prickling the hairs on her arms. The silence was shattered by a voice, smooth as silk yet edged with menace.

"Enjoying here, Atiye?"

The blood in Atiye's veins turned to ice.



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