Chapter Thirty Six - A Father and A Lover

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Mehmet pours himself another glass of raki, swirling the amber liquid in the crystal tumbler. Timothee watches him, his own glass untouched. The library is quiet now, Azize along with Atiye having retreated to the kitchen.

Timothee: Sir, if I may... Atiye is an extraordinary woman. Strong, kind, compassionate. You must be incredibly proud of her.

Mehmet sighs, his gaze distant. "I am. More than words can express. But... my actions in the past..."

Timothee: (Interrupting gently) "The past cannot be changed, sir. But the future can be shaped. Atiye deserves happiness, and I believe I can offer her that."

Silence stretches between them, thick with unspoken emotions. Mehmet meets Timothee's gaze, his eyes searching.

Mehmet: You love her, don't you?

Timothee nods, his expression resolute. "With all my heart. She's my best friend, my confidante, my everything."

A flicker of a smile touches Mehmet's lips. "I see that love reflected in your eyes, young man. A love much like the one I once had for her mother." He gestures towards the picture of Azize. "But unlike me, you haven't let bitterness cloud your judgment."

Timothee: "I won't, sir. I promise to cherish Atiye, to support her dreams, and to always be honest with her."

Mehmet nods, a newfound respect in his eyes. "Then I welcome you, not just as Atiye's partner, but as a fellow protector. But remember, love also means understanding her pain, her past."

Timothee: "I do, sir. We've gone through a lot, together. And I'm here to listen, to learn, to walk this journey with her."

On the other hand, Atiye helps Azize prepare Baklava in the spacious kitchen, the aroma of honey and nuts filling the air. Azize, her hands dusted with flour, steals a glance at Atiye.

Azize: Your eyes shine differently, Atiye. There's a joy I haven't seen in a long time.

Atiye smiles, wiping her hands on her apron. "It's because of him, isn't it? Timothee?"

Azize nods, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "He seems like a good man, kind and respectful. Does he make you happy?"

Atiye's cheeks flush. "Very happy, Azize. He understands me like no one else."

Azize stirs the syrup thoughtfully. "Love can be a beautiful thing, child. But it also comes with challenges. Are you prepared to face them?"

Atiye's brow furrows. "What do you mean?"

Azize sighs. "The world's eyes will be on you, especially with your relationship with Timothee. There will be scrutiny, judgment, perhaps even threats. Can you handle it?"

Atiye meets Azize's gaze, her eyes steely. "I'm not afraid of challenges, Azize. As long as we have each other, we can face anything."

Azize embraces her tightly. "Remember, dear child, true love thrives on honesty and communication. Never let secrets or misunderstandings cloud your happiness."


The cool night air washes over them as they stand on the terrace, overlooking the glittering cityscape. Mehmet joins them, a contemplative look on his face.

Mehmet: Timothee, can I speak with you privately?

Timothee nods, following him to a secluded corner. Mehmet hesitates, then speaks in a low voice.

Mehmet: My son, seeing Atiye happy brings me immense joy. You are good for her, and I appreciate the love and respect you show her.

Timothee nods, his heart pounding. What's coming next?

Mehmet: This city... it holds memories for her, both painful and joyous. I believe staying here longer, exploring her roots, could help her heal further. Would you consider staying a few more days?

Timothee's surprise morphs into a genuine smile. "It would be an honor, sir. As long as Atiye is comfortable with it."

Mehmet: I'll speak to her. But know this, Timothee, you have earned my respect. Treat her with care, and you'll find a loyal friend in me.

As they rejoin the women, a newfound understanding hangs in the air. The future may be uncertain, but for now, under the Istanbul sky, their bond strengthens, promising a journey filled with love, healing, and perhaps, even a chance to rewrite their shared history.

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