Chapter Six - Nightmare or Memory?

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Atiye said, "Xaviar??..." but he cut her off and said, "Shh. You don't get to speak." She was scared as hell! Scared of the things he will do to her. For the things, he can do to her.

He slowly reached for her legs and rested his waist between them. Supporting himself with his arms beside her, trapping her in the middle.
She cried and whispered, "Please"

"Rules, you remember the rules? " Xaviar said. "You've to follow these rules, daily, for the rest of your life. Understood?"

Atiye nodded.

"He again said "Good girl... now..."

Xaviar started kissing Atiye harshly

"No.. Please no... "


Atiye jumped.

Nightmare! It was a nightmare! Atiye looked around herself. She was at Jenevi and Curtis's! Xaviar was no where near to her!

"Not a nightmare but a memory!" Atiye mumbled to herself. She remembered clearly about the memory she just got flashback. She couldn't help but cry her heart out and lied down in a fetal position. Crying to herself lowly to sleep.


She woke early in the morning. She was still frightened by the nightmare of last night.
She hopped in the shower and loved the hot water hitting her back. Soothing all her sore muscles from last night. She rubbed herself and looked down and saw her foundation going down the drain.

After the shower, she dried up her body and looked at herself in the mirror. All the marks exposed.
She opened her makeup pouch and took out her foundation and her moisturizer. Mixing them both together, she started rubbing it evenly on her body. Covering the marks up again as she whispered to herself, "This is what I will be doing or the rest of my life." Focused on covering each mark.


I went down and saw grandma was already up. I smiled and said "Good morning."

Her eyes sparkled when she saw me and wished me morning in return.

I asked, " Where is everyone? "

Sofie: Jen went to shopping with Curt. After that she will get ready and join us directly at the program . The program will start by lunch time. Come. Eat with me. Amber is making Breakfast for me, just tell her what you wanna eat darling.
I smiled, "I would love to help her to make breakfast."

I asked "Is there something you particularly like?"

"I can eat anything, child. But a cup of tea in the morning is a must." Sofie smiled at me.

I went into the kitchen and there were Martha and another maid drinking coffee. When they saw me, they instantly got up from their chairs.

I felt bad and said "You don't need to get up for me. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm just here to make breakfast and I'll be out of the way in no time."

They both looked at each other and smiled.

One of the maid introduced herself "I'm Amber and that is... " I smiled, "Martha, I already met her yesterday.

Amber asked, "You want me to make you breakfast, ma'am?"

"Call me Atiye and no. I'll be making breakfast myself. Have you eaten yet?"

Both of their eyes widened as I asked them and Martha said, "We've eaten. Thank you for the offer." I smiled at them both.

Maybe I could have also friends in this house.
I was making waffels for me and Grandma while a flashback came back to me.

I whispered, "Xaviar, I can't work like this". He trailed his fingertips from my shoulder to my arm and then my hand. Intertwining our fingers.

I was so uncomfortable with his touch but here was no escape for me. His other hand started moving up and down my stomach and I felt something warm underneath my right hand. It almost felt like burning.

I pried my eyes open and saw my hands on the sandwich maker. On top of the lid. I whimper in pain and tried to pull away, but he was stronger than me. Holding me in place.


The two of us sat at the table eating breakfast.
Grandma looked at me concerned and asked: "What happened dear? You seems tensed?"
Atiye: No..nothing.. Just everything is suddenly so new to me thats why.. Taking a bit time to adjust.
She chuckled at me and I smiled.

What was my sin to get these traumas?

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