Chapter Nineteen - Unmasking Fears

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Flashback starts:

It was 8 years ago. I was 13. I used to cry myself to sleep because I missed my family terribly. Jenevi used to stay at hostel. I was all alone and Aunt Melissa used to treat me like a maid!

It was dark and cold.

I felt someone crawling up my shorts.


I opened my eyes. Before I could get up, he pushed me down on the mattress again. Covering my mouth with his hand.

It was a man and he kept rubbing me over my shorts. I heard his voice "Shhhhh. Just relax. It'll get better. You'll enjoy!! "


I was in pain. I felt like I was on fire and paralyzed. I couldn't do anything but cry for someone to save me. But no one came.

And that's how he started raping me, whenever he wanted. The most terrifying nightmares of my life started. Every time I tried not to let him win, but every time I lost.

Flashback ends.


Atiye stood frozen, the echo of Timothee's gentle words lingering outside the locked bathroom door.

"Atiye, just letting you know, I'm here.. I'll be waiting for you. Right here on the couch. Come out and talk to me whenever you feel like."

His each knock resonated like a hammer blow against the walls she'd built around herself. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the reflection staring back at her in the mirror.

She opened the shower faucet. Standing under, it wasn't just makeup washing down the drain; it was years of carefully constructed facades dissolving. Each mark on her body, a stark inscription of a brutal past, screamed for acknowledgement, for understanding.

Taking a shaky breath, Atiye made a decision. No more hiding. With newfound resolve, she stepped out of the shower, leaving the marks raw and exposed. They were part of her story, and she was tired of letting them dictate her present.

Outside, Timothee sat patiently on the couch, the silence stretched thin with unspoken concerns. When the bathroom door creaked open, his breath hitched. Atiye stood there, vulnerable and bare, tears tracing glistening paths down her cheeks.

Her steps faltered, the weight of her decision threatening to pull her under. But before she could crumble, Timothee was there, arms outstretched. He caught her as she stumbled, enveloping her in a warmth that transcended words.

In his embrace, the dam within her broke. Sobs wracked her body, each one a release of long-held pain and fear. Timothee held her tighter, not a single judgmental word crossing his lips. He simply absorbed her grief, offering a safe harbor in the storm raging within her.

When the sobs subsided, leaving behind a trail of hiccups and sniffles, Atiye clung to him, seeking solace in the rhythm of his heartbeat. Slowly, she pulled away, wiping her tears on the back of her hand.

"I..." she croaked, her voice thick with emotion.

Timothee cupped her face gently, his thumbs brushing away the remnants of tears.

"No need to explain," he whispered, his gaze filled with understanding. "I'm here to listen, whenever you're ready."

Atiye looked into his eyes, searching for a flicker of revulsion, of fear. But all she saw was acceptance, a quiet strength that mirrored her own newfound resolve. In that moment, a decision bloomed within her, fragile yet tenacious.

Taking a deep breath, she began to speak, her voice trembling at first, then gaining strength with each word. She spoke of the darkness, the fear, the scars that etched not just her skin, but her soul. She spoke of the shame she'd carried, the walls she'd built to protect herself, even from those who cared.

Timothee listened intently, his grip on her hand unwavering. He didn't interrupt, didn't offer empty platitudes. He simply held space for her pain, his presence a silent testament to his belief in her, in her strength.

By the time the first rays of dawn painted the sky, Atiye's story had come to an end. The air hung heavy with unspoken emotions, yet a sense of relief had settled over them. The burden she'd carried alone now felt lighter, shared with someone who truly saw her, not just the scars, but the resilience, the spirit that had refused to be broken.

Timothee didn't offer false promises, no magical solutions to erase the past. He simply looked at her, his eyes filled with a newfound respect and tenderness.

"Thank you for trusting me," he said, his voice husky with emotion. "Knowing your story doesn't change anything. You are still the same incredible woman I met, the woman who makes me laugh, who challenges me, who sees the world with a kindness that inspires me."

His words, sincere and heartfelt, washed over Atiye like a balm. For the first time, she allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, she was worthy of love, scars and all.

As the sun rose, casting its golden light on their intertwined figures, a new chapter began. Theirs was a love story woven not just from joy and laughter, but from vulnerability, trust, and the courage to face the shadows together. The path ahead might be uncertain, but they would walk it hand in hand, their bond strengthened by the storms they had weathered, ready to face whatever tomorrow might bring.

With a shaky voice, Timothee asked, " Can I kiss you?"

Atiye whispered, "Yes.. You can.."

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