Chapter Twenty-One - Back to the Beginning

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That was one fine evening.

Atiye's heart hammered in her chest like a trapped bird. Xaviar's grip, once familiar and terrifying, tightened around her arm, dragging her into the shadowed alleyway. Her therapist's appointment had ended just moments ago, the promise of solace replaced by the stark reality of her past clawing back.

"Let go of me!" she hissed, fear battling with a surge of anger. She had come so far, built a fragile semblance of normalcy with Timothee, and Xaviar threatened to shatter it all.

A cruel smirk twisted Xaviar's lips. "Not until I end your every courage, beautiful." His voice, once smooth and seductive, dripped with venom. "You think you can just dile a case against me, threatened my mom to delete the videos, just disappear and forget what happened?"

Atiye struggled, adrenaline fueling her resistance. "There's nothing left to say! You raped me, tortured  me, year after year, and now you're free, walking the streets while I live in fear."

"Free?" Xaviar scoffed. "The charges haven't stuck, thanks to some well-placed...persuasion."

Her blood ran cold. He wasn't just a shadow of the past; he was a tangible threat, fueled by a twisted sense of entitlement. Timothee was away, filming his new movie, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.


Her tears falling as he held her jaw brutally and pinned her agaist the wall. " Don't even take Tim's name on your filthy mouth.."

He left her jaw and placed his hand back against the wall. He asked, "Tim??"

"TIM!" He banged both his hands in anger against the wall behind her. Making her scared to death. He again said, "Seems like you've forgotten it. Today I'll tell remind what force used to mean." Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her t shirt up,  forcing her. She tried to pull her hand out of his grip but he was stronger. He looked at her and said "Today you will again remember the meaning of force. And you will never forget it for as long as you shall live."

He threw her in the floor. He held her jaw again and said "This will be the time you will never forget, doesn’t matter how much therapy you may take!"

She cried and screamed, "STOP!"

He said"It's no use. We're here all alone. It's a abandoned garage.  No one can hear you, Atiye, Save your energy. You'll need it for screaming more."

His other hand raiding her body. Making her feel disgusted. She tried to move but he had pinned her still. Crying out loud, she said "You won't be able to save yoirself either if you hurt me Xaviar!"

"Xaviar? Seems like you've forgotten every rules" saying so he slapped her hardly turning her cheecks red.

"Listen, I don't care whether I got save or not. I just want to hurt you. I want to hurt you so badly."

He again said"How did he kiss you, Atiye? Have you guys slept together yet? You must have!! Was he hard or soft? It must be amazing for you, to have a man want you so badly. And you want him back! Can I share?"

He kissed her hard. Pressing his lips against hers. And biting her lower lip. He let her go and she could taste her own blood. She cried "Please!"
He smiled like a sadist and said "Now you've just remembered to utter please?"

He looked down at her body and said "You do look perfect to turn any man on. Why are you so scared? You've taken me plenty of times before."

His biting began from her neck to her chest and right down to her navel. Leaving her in nothing but pain. She cried out loud begging him to stop. But he refused.

He took off his shirt and tied her hands. Leaving her all defenseless.
He sat upon his knees and she struggles to break free. Her legs moving. He pinned her knees against her stomach, naking her screaming in pain. His bites were like burning holes on her body. She struggled to try to get loose.

He placed his hand down on her stomach and pressed hard. Speaking with a loud voice "Stay!" Like she was some kind of animal. But his hard voice did make her stop moving. Her eyes were all wet. His hand went down to her stomach and then lower.

He grinned at her and said, "I'll tell you what real pain is like."

Suddenly, a gruff voice sliced through the tense silence. "What's all this ruckus?!" A burly security guard, alerted by the noise, emerged from the shadows of the nearby parking garage. His gaze fell on Atiye, wide-eyed and shaken, then shifted to Xaviar, top on her!!

Relief washed over Atiye, momentarily dissolving the tension that had coiled in her muscles. The arrival of the guard, unexpected yet timely, felt like a lifeline thrown from the darkness.

The guard wasted no time, blocked every way of Xaviar to elop. The guard gave his jacket to Atiye and screamed to gather more people for help.
Atiye was crying silently.

Hoping for this all be a nightmare.

Hoping for not get shattered down again.

Hoping for see Timothee's beautiful face.

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