Chapter Forteen - Mexican Dreams

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Timothee's stomach growled, a ferocious rumble echoing through the silence of the room. He winced, rubbing his belly sheepishly. "Umm," he mumbled, glancing at Atiye, "Wanna grab some lunch? I can feel a rat running inside my tummy."

Atiye burst into laughter, the sound tinkling like wind chimes. "Sure," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "What do you have in mind? Pizza from that little place down the street, or maybe some fresh pasta from the market?"

Timothee pondered for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I was thinking of something more adventurous," he declared. "Let's ditch the restaurants and explore the town, searching for a hidden gem that satisfies this ravenous beast inside me."

Atiye's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Sounds like a plan, adventurous one. Just give me fifteen minutes to change, and I'll be catching you downstairs."

As she disappeared into her room, Timothee stretched, anticipation buzzing through him. The prospect of exploring unfamiliar streets with Atiye, their laughter echoing against the sun-drenched buildings, sent a thrill down his spine.

Fifteen minutes melted into twenty, but he didn't mind. He used the time to jot down a few landmarks he'd spotted on a map – a quaint bookstore tucked away in a cobbled alley, a vibrant community garden hidden behind a bakery, a local artist's workshop buzzing with creativity. These were the hidden gems he sought, not just for sustenance, but for the shared experiences they might bring.

When Atiye finally emerged, she looked radiant, a summer dress flowing around her like a vibrant sunset. They set off, their steps light and their conversation easy. The town unfolded before them like a storybook, each corner revealing a new surprise.

They navigated bustling markets, bartering with vendors for juicy peaches and tangy cheeses. They stumbled upon a hidden trattoria tucked away in a forgotten courtyard, the aroma of garlic and basil pulling them in like a siren song. Timothee devoured a plate of pasta smothered in pesto, while Atiye savored a slice of pizza topped with fresh mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes.

Laughter punctuated their meal, stories traded between bites. They talked about their dreams,  Atiye discovered Timothee's passion for photography, his ability to capture fleeting moments in breathtaking frames. She, in turn, shared her love for music, her fingers already itching to strum the guitar they had back in the cottage later that night.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, they found themselves sitting by the harbor, the gentle lapping of waves their only soundtrack. Timothee, feeling pleasantly full and utterly content, turned to Atiye, his gaze lingering on her face.

"This wasn't just about lunch, was it?" he asked softly.

Atiye met his gaze, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "No," she admitted, "It was about more than just filling our stomachs. It was about exploring, discovering, and maybe even getting to know each other a little better."

Timothee's heart skipped a beat. He leaned in, their faces inches apart. "And did we?" he whispered, his voice husky with unspoken emotions.

Atiye's answer was a slow, teasing smile, leaving Timothee with a delicious sense of anticipation and the promise of more adventures to come.

Timothee watched, mesmerized, as Atiye twirled with unbridled joy beneath the cascading waters of a hidden waterfall they'd stumbled upon during their lunch expedition. Laughter, unrestrained and carefree, bubbled from her lips, a melody far removed from the quiet, melancholic tunes she usually hummed. Gone was the guarded shell she wore in New York, replaced by a vibrant spirit he wouldn't have dared imagine existed within her.

The unfamiliar sight sent a jolt through him. This Atiye, radiating sunshine and uninhibited joy, was captivating. This was a side of her he'd never seen, a stark contrast to the woman he'd known for the past six months – a woman defined by shadows and unspoken sorrows. It felt almost as if she'd shed a skin at the cottage room, leaving behind the Atiye he thought he knew and emerging as a creature of light and laughter.

He should be scared, a niggling voice whispered in his mind. Or maybe the guarded woman he knew in New York was a product of her circumstances, while this vibrant spirit was her true essence, finally given the freedom to bloom under the Mexican sun.

As Atiye emerged from the waterfall, water droplets clinging to her sun-kissed skin, her smile faltered for a brief moment, replaced by a flicker of self-consciousness. It was almost as if she realized she'd been wearing her heart on her sleeve, letting him see a side she usually kept hidden.

Timothee met her gaze, his own filled with a mixture of curiosity and hesitant affection. "You're amazing," he said, his voice low and warm.

A blush crept up her cheeks, but her smile returned, genuine and shy. "Just enjoying the moment," she replied, her voice softer now.

He held her gaze, a silent question hanging in the air. Would she retreat back into her shell, or would he would be able to get know this newfound side of her, the one that filled him with unknown attraction towerds her?? Or all he was feeling was only because of the guilt he was feeling for hurting her earlier?

He didn’t know the answers of these questions. Only time would unfold the truth now..

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