Chapter Four - Freedome or Illusion???

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The anticipation crackles in the air, Atiye's heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. "I will miss you, Jen," she murmurs, her voice thick with unshed tears. Even amidst the flurry of wedding preparations, a bittersweet ache settles in her stomach. Leaving Jenevi, her anchor in this storm they called home, feels like losing a limb.

But Jenevi's reply throws her entire world into a tailspin. "No, you won't. Because you're coming with me too." Atiye's jaw drops, disbelief etched across her features. "What?" she echoes, the word barely a whisper.

"Shhh," Jenevi hushes conspiratorially, eyes darting towards the closed door. "They can't know until after the wedding, after all the legalities with Curt are signed. Until then, play it cool.


ut for Atiye, the world has shrunk to the space between them, her mind reeling. Escape? Freedom? Could this be real, after years of suffocating under Xaviar's oppressive thumb? Her throat tightens, unable to form a coherent response. Is this some elaborate joke, a cruel mirage shimmering in the desert of her life?

Atiye remains rooted to the spot, her mind replaying Jenevi's words on a loop. "Coming with me too." Could it be true? Did Jenevi somehow orchestrate this escape, this long-awaited dream?

A spark of rebellion ignites within her. For the first time in years, a flicker of hope dances in her eyes. The wedding preparations fade into the background, replaced by a single, all-consuming thought: freedom. It's a word she hasn't dared to utter aloud, a concept she has only dreamt of in the deepest recesses of her mind.

But now, it hangs heavy in the air, tangible and intoxicating. Jenevi's plan, whatever it may be, offers a lifeline, a chance to break free from the gilded cage she's been trapped in. The fear is still there, the uncertainty gnawing at her, but it's overshadowed by a surge of determination.

For the first time, Atiye doesn't simply nod her head in silent compliance. She meets Jenevi's gaze, a newfound steel glinting in her eyes. "Let's do it," she whispers, her voice barely audible but brimming with resolve.

Few moments later:

Curtis: (Steps forward, his voice calm but firm) I assure you, everything I've said is true. However, there are certain details I haven't shared... details that concern not just me, but Jenevi and one of our true intentions for this marriage.

He turns to Jenevi, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and determination.

The ballroom quiets to a stunned hush as Curtis drops his bombshell. Tension crackles in the air, thicker than the cloying scent of lilies and champagne.

Xaviar: (His face reddening with fury) What audacity! You can't just take her! Atiye is family!

Curtis: (His voice calm yet laced with steel) Not anymore, Xaviar. She's an adult, free to make her own choices. And her choice is to leave this toxic environment behind and start anew.

Xaviar: (Snarling) She won't leave with you! She…

Melissa's icy grip clamps down on his wrist, silencing him mid-sentence. Her eyes are cold, devoid of emotion, yet a flicker of unease crosses her face.

Melissa: (Voice clipped) Don't be absurd. If she wants to go, let her. We need the money, the connections. But remember, Jenevi, this is your betrayal. The doors to this house are closed to you forever.

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