Chapter Thirty Four - Comfort Zone

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The days leading up to Atiye's return flew by in a flurry of anticipation and nervous excitement. Anya had promised to help her find information about Mehmet, while also grappling with her own conflicted emotions. Timothee's absence hung heavy in the air, but his calls and messages provided a lifeline, a reminder of the love that transcended distance.

The taxi pulled up to the quaint yellow house bathed in the warm glow of string lights. Atiye's heart hammered against her ribs, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within her. Stepping out, she inhaled the familiar scent of jasmine and honeysuckle, a wave of relief washing over her. As she walked up the path, the door creaked open,

She rushed inside, There was her's comfort zone, that dar curly haired dream biy, her Timothee.

Timothee seemed surprised, "Hey.. Why didn’t you tell me you're coming? I would have loved to receive you at airport!"

Atiye jumped into his arms and pulled him into a long kiss saying, "Shhhh..."   Tears welled up in her eyes, and she clung to him, the bittersweet joy of their reunion washing over her. Their embrace filled with unspoken emotions. In the familiar warmth of their shared home.


The door creaked open before they reached it, revealing Jenevi's infectious grin. "Welcome back, cuz!" she exclaimed, pulling Atiye into a hug that spoke of shared laughter and whispered secrets.

Curtis, ever the jester, emerged from the house, raising an eyebrow at Timothee. "Lost in the labyrinth of love, were we?" he teased, a playful glint in his eye.

Laughter washed over them, momentarily erasing the dust of Atiye's journey. The evening unfolded in a tapestry of shared stories, woven with the warmth of Grandma Regina's homemade apple ple along with Jenevi's made moussaka and the comfortable familiarity of their company. Timothee's gaze, a silent language of love, remained fixed on Atiye, a lighthouse guiding her through the emotional tides.

Days turned into weeks, each email and phone call carrying a mixture of disappointment and renewed hope. Finally, a breakthrough arrived. Mehmet, a rich businessman himself, living at istanbul, confirmed his existence and burning desire to find his lost daughter.

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