Chapter Seventeen - Haunted Hope

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The following morning, Atiye's mind churned like a washing machine on high spin. Timothee's confession echoed in her head, each word carrying a weight she hadn't anticipated. His past love, Amaya, a name that mirrored her own sister's, stirred a cocktail of emotions within her. Confusion, fear, and a flicker of something suspiciously like hope battled for dominance.

Was that why Timothee had seemed hesitant at times, pulling back like a tide before a storm? Could his attraction to her be rooted in a phantom resemblance to his lost love? The thought sent a pang of insecurity through her. Was she just a substitute, a ghost of someone he could never truly have?

But then, she remembered his words, the vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke of her warmth, a quality he saw not just in Amaya, but in her too. Was it possible, dared she believe, that there was something genuine in their connection beyond just some shared features with his lost love?

Yet, her past loomed like a hungry shadow. The physical scars, etched reminders of a terrifying ordeal, were hidden beneath her clothes, a secret diary she feared no one could understand. How could she bear to expose them, risk shattering the fragile trust she was building with Timothee?

A wave of nausea washed over her. Was this an attraction, the flutter in her chest every time he smiled, or was it something deeper, something she feared to name? Her heart, long locked away, seemed to be taking tentative steps towards the light, but the fear of rejection held it hostage.

She stood before the mirror, scrutinizing her reflection. Did she see Amaya in her own eyes? The question hung heavy in the air, unanswered. Perhaps the answer lay not in appearances, but in the shared vulnerability they dared to expose. The echo of past trauma might resonate between them, but could it also become a bridge of empathy, a foundation for something stronger?

Taking a deep breath, Atiye closed her eyes. Time would unravel the truth, both about Timothee's feelings and her own. But for now, she had a choice: retreat into the familiar darkness of her past, or take a leap of faith and trust that their connection, however complex held the potential for something real. The decision, like the rising sun painting the horizon in hues of hope and uncertainty, belonged to her.

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