Ashido gives birth to her children and the deal

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Ashido felt pain on February eighth making her to hold her stomach as the snake was quick to coils around her as Ashido's naked and the bats went to her breast making her to feel both pain and pleasure as she lays down and the snake keeps her calm as the snakelets start to come out of her after ten minutes making the first snakelet to come out of her.

It's a lamia making the pain to be even worse as the little girl came out and removes the bat on her left breast making Ashido to be feed off of before she felt the next one to come out which's a male lamia and he removed the second bat and drinks from his mother making the two bats to be upset as Ashido went back into labor again.

Ashido can feel ten snakelets leaving her as the snake helps to break them out, but kept the yolk sac as they need it as it moves them to the heater to keep warm as Ashido went into labor again making her to feel the sacs of snakelets leaving her as it's already ten each time rapidly before she felt a lamia or two or a human one making her to feel a lot of pain cause of this.

Ashido's having a hard time now as one of the snakelets is too big making her to birth making her to have a hard time pushing it out as the snake came and thrusts into her as it gentle grabs the snakelet and pulls it out making it to be the same it the father, but as a baby making Ashido to pant as the last ones shot out of her since they're dwarf versions.

Ashido's drain and tired making her to pant as she has five hundred snakelets, twenty lamia and ten humans with snake scales on sorting body areas with snake eyes and tongue children that she needs to raise making Ashido to feed the lamia and human babies before she then tucks them into their bed as there's a human bed for the lamia and human babies.

They even have a heater lamp over them to keep them warm as she has a lot of space to look after them all before the bats went to her breast again and drinks their fill since the lamia and human babies took it from them making Ashido to fall onto the snake's cock making her to be thrusted into as the snake mates with her.

Ashido didn't think that snake would want to get her pregnant again afterwards making her to be thrusted into repeatedly before she cums making the snake to bloat her up with sperm which ahs her knocked out as she's thrusted into by the snake repeatedly until she needs to feed making the bats to let her go and the snake moves Ashido over to feed them.

The snake's still thrusting into her and uses it's tail to pick up the human ones making Ashido to be feed off of while being unconsciously making her to moan at it as the snake supports her and the children until they're all feed and then brings her back to it's body where the thrusting continuous making Ashido to be stuck for the whole night.

This was the pattern throughout the night making her to be heavily pregnant as it's just going to be continuously until Monday as it's Friday night making Ashido to be sore and can only leave to eat before she goes back up and falls onto the snake's cock again by the bats making her to be mated again until Monday morning making Ashido to be very sore once this is over.

The man saw the many babies and was surprised by the ten human babies making him to be curious, but he avoids them as he just watch making him to ignore the thrusting happening and focuses on the children making him to look at the babies and sees that some of her skin color got added to the lamia children's human body, but some were different.

Four has brown skin like if she didn't have Quirk, then brown skin would have been her natural skin color making him to wonder as there's three with patches of white in sorting areas of their brown skin bodies making him to wonder how special is this girl. The human babies though... There's five with brown skin with the father's colored scales.

The rest has peace colored skin and the father's scale colors making them to be very different as he wonders how she's going to raise them as she managed to hide it from many which has him to wonder as he thinks about this. On Monday in the afternoon, he phones Ashido and offers her an apology as one of his snakes escaped and got her pregnant.

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