Hawks' pregnant by a Quirk?!

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Sakura worries for Hawks as he's throwing up a lot and she knows he needs to eat raw chicken, but for some reason he's eating cooked chicken making her to worry as Dabi grab-dragged him to the doctors and explains making them to check with a blood test to be safe and he got hit by a Quirk making him to be pregnant and Dabi's the father.

Hawks' shocked as the user was found and he also did the same thing to Bakugou and Kirishima making it to be a bad thing as the man doesn't care for genders as he mostly black out when the Quirk does it's thing which he can't stop it as it's activated by itself making even Aizawa to be hit as Present Mic got him pregnant with quads making Sakura to sigh.

Sakura has the nursery set up making Hawks to worry as this is going to be weird and then Sakura gave the book making him to read the book making her to have Bakugou and Kirishima have some as she made one for Shiozaki, Jirou, Komori, Tsunotori and Ashido one as well, too making them to feel better about being mothers.

Sakura worries as Hawks going to suffer making it to be bad cause of mood swings during the pregnancy making Dabi to have the book as well, too to be prepared as he's not going to leave Hawks to suffer through thing as Shoto reads it as well, too for the future making Sakura to shake her head as this is ridicules as no one would believe it.

Lady Nagant gave Hawks an extension on his break making him to complain about not teaching Tokoyami anything at all making Sakura to give Tokoyami permission to come over to her house making him to be shocked and was told the new situation with Hawks making him to shake his head as Quirks are getting weirder and weirder by the generation.

"I know. This one's weird." Sakura agrees as Shoto shows the book making him to read it as well, too making Sakura to smile while shaking her head before she got a call as she's added to the 'Teen Mother Group' as the leader since she has two children and has done very well with them making her to be in charge of them all making Nezu to allow it.

Sakura makes sure they check if their kids are allergic to anything to make it easier as there's food, plant, dust, pollen, shellfish and some people may be allergic to certain fabrics such as polyester making them to understand as they check making it to be easier on them as Eri and Kai's not allergic to anything making them to be free from that.

Hawks will have to do the same once they're born making Eri to see how the test is done and she wants to make a new one by using blood only making Hatsume to help out with that one as Eri needs to get the design ready making her to have made fifteen to sixteen ideas making Hatsume to love how creative Eri is with it as it's perfect making Power Load to join in fast.

"Adult Supervision is needed for this, Hatsume." She pouts as Eri pouts with her making Power Load to smile while shaking his head at the site making Sakura to laugh as this is not want she head in mind, but it's fine as All Might laughs at the site as it's too funny making Nezu to look for help as Eri's holding him like a stuff animal during her nap time right now.



'Damnna it!' All Might took a picture and shows the other teachers making Midnight to laugh as it's too much which has Aizawa's day to be better as Sakura's holding her laughter at the site of her daughter using Nezu as a stuffy making him to plead with his eyes making her to shake her head before making a stuffy version and places it in Eri's arms.

Nezu sighs of relief as he can't believe no one helped him and they took pictures instead making Sakura to shake her head as she takes Nezu to his office and she left him there as he has revenge plans to do making Sakura to ignore it as she wants no part of it at all which Dabi laughs about it as Nezu's one you don't want to mess with actually.

Sakura agrees as Hawks not going to be liking this pregnancy as he keeps pulling Dabi into bed making him to hold his laughter and just cuddle him back which makes Hawks to blush as he closes his eyes from the embarrassment of it as Sakura's going to be like this as well, too making Hawks to feel a bit more better about it then.

Once Hawks got more into it, they can ultrasound the baby/babies making Hawks to worry a bit as he was told he's having twins and they're boys making him to worry a bit cause of the Quirks and he's worried about that part the most than the health as a Quirk like Dabi's with wings? Gaining Dabi's Quirk? Gaining his Quirk? A Hybrid Quirk of both?

'I don't know!' Hawks stressing over this part making Rei to calm him down and help him out even more as stress is not good during the pregnancy making Hawks to take a deep breath and calms down as he talks to a Quirk Counselor that Sakura trusts and explains with Dabi being there as this helps him to get it off his chest which helps out a lot.

"Understandable, Hawks. Dabi's is powerful and stronger, but your training in your Quirk also made it powerful and stronger may your shared girlfriend did it to continue your Hero career, it's equally strong and powerful. Good chance of it being Hybrid or your wings with Dabi's Quirk powers mixed in. We'll never know until age five really.

You have every right to worry, but wait until age four or five to worry about. I'll even be their Quirk Counselor if it helps to calm you down. I have a training area that's one hundred percent Quirk-proof for any kind of Quirks out there." Hawks agreed as Dabi wonders if Sakura would be like this with their kids once she gets pregnant with their kids.

Sakura doesn't care about Quirks as she prefers the health over that making Hawks to complain a bit about that as the Quirk could effect their health making Sakura to shake her head as Hawks a mother hen now making him to blush as he didn't she would call him that making Dabi to just smile at that as Sakura's a small gremlin if she wants to.

"And proud of it, Tou." Dabi shakes his head as Sakura uses that nickname when he calls her a small gremlin making it to be fun between them both as All Might just gets a blush if he calls her a gremlin. Nezu saw the gremlin side and shivers as she knows how to get the School Board to behave and to back off from firing the teachers and whatever else they want to do.

Sakura's a miracle worker there as Nezu had no trouble with making Sakura to blush as she didn't think he saw that making her to troll many Villains sometimes and some Pro-Heroes making many to get angry about it as no one can figure out one did it making Sakura to be crackling at this as she enjoyed it too much really to be sane.

'Young Midoriya's too much sometimes.'

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