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december 15, 2021
My eyes dart to Luis as I strut in front of him. I pull my hockey mask down and his devilish eyes stare into mine.

"Ready to get your ass beat?" I mock.

He smirks. "Only if you're ready."

A scoff escapes my lips. "Don't get so cocky, Mendoza. We're gonna beat you guys up."

"We'll see about that."

I get back into stance and wait for the ref to drop the puck, my eyes never leaving Luis's. My jaw clenches and I hear the puck smack onto the ice. I push Luis out of my way, causing him to stumble backward. I snicker and claim the puck to myself.

As I fly across the ice, I hear multiple skates flying behind me. I knew one of them belonged to Luis. He was fast as a jet.

My skates pound on the ice as I rush towards the goal. I shoot it in with ease and hear the buzzer go off. Cheers erupt from the crowd as well as my team.

Luis shakes his head and I lift my mask to look at him, a smug smirk plastered on my face. I shrug. "What can I say? I'm the queen of the ice."

His jaw clenches firmly as he huffs in anger. I skate back to my team's bench, celebrating my victory on the way. My coach pats me on the back as I take a sip of water.

"Nice job, Peterson." he gives me a thumbs-up.

"Thanks, coach." I smile.

My eyes dart over to Luis who was in the box next to mine. He kept sending me glares that looked angry, but there was another emotion in them that I couldn't read. I brush it off and focus back on the game.


I was dripping with sweat. Our team won ten to five. Luis looks pretty pissed but that just made me happier.

We all walked into our locker room and I was so relieved to finally get out of this sweaty gear.

"You did amazing, Amelia." a teammate of mine, Ryan, says.

"I know." I nod with a big smirk on my face.

He chuckles and waves me away. I finish getting dressed and stuff everything into my hockey bag. I pick it up firmly in my hands and exit the locker room. As I walk out, I bump into someone.

"Watch it, Mendoza!" I growl in anger.

"Calm down." he scoffs. "It's your fault."

I gasp. "No, it's not! You're the one who came flying at me!"

We keep barking at each other back and forth until his coach pulls him away. "Okay, okay, Luis, that's enough. Remember, Ducks don't do violence, right?"

"But she bumped into me!" he whines.

"I don't care." the coach shakes his head. "Leave each other alone, got it?"

I put on an innocent face. "Yes, sir. It won't happen again."

Luis scoffs. "Can't you see that she's completely faking it? She's not a nice girl!"

The coach just sighs and shakes his head. "Have a nice night."

"You too, sir." I keep smiling.

I spin around and a devilish smile plays on my lips.



As I was scrolling through my phone, I stumbled across Luis's Instagram account.

I thought I blocked him.

My eyes roll in annoyance and I decide to check his account out to . . . y'know . . . make fun of him. I scrolled through his pictures and it was just a lot of hockey. His friends are in a lot of them but this certain one catches my eye.

He's with some blonde girl who looks very pretty. For some reason, I feel . . . jealous. Why was I jealous? I don't even like the dude and I could care less about his personal life but . . . seeing him with this girl made me mad. I didn't like how close he was standing next to her or how his eyes sparkled. It pissed me off.

My door swings open, revealing my happy sister, Lily. She has a huge smile on her face and I raise one eyebrow in confusion. "What's up with you?"

She sighs with satisfaction and falls onto my bed. "I just had the best date of my life."

"Wow, that's wonderful." I smile sarcastically.

She sighs. "Can't you just be happy for me for once?"

"I am." I nod. "I'm oozing with excitement."

Her face turns into disgust. "Okay, never say oozing again."

I chuckle and shrug. "It's a fun word to say."

"No, it's not. Now shush and let me tell you about my date." she smiles again.

I groan and stuff my face into my pillow. "I don't wanna hear about your stupid dates. You've already had a million boyfriends."

"Correction," she sits up. "I've had three."

"That's still a lot . . ." I mumble.

She smirks. "And how many have you had?"

She knew I hated it when she asked me that. I glare at her. "None and you know that. I don't have time to be dating people."

She shrugs. "You'll find someone."

I roll my eyes. "I don't wanna date anybody, period."

"Alright, well, let me tell you about my night, okay?" she says as she lies next to me again.

I sigh but give in. She thinks I hate it when she talks to me about her life, but I secretly love it.


hey guys! I hope you like the first remastered chapter so far! I didn't make a lot of changes but I hope you like it regardless! just some mentions for this story, I did add some more chapters that are only in this version of the book so you guys have some new material to read! there are a few TWs for this story such as mild swearing, mentions/acts of SH, mentions of an ED, intimate scenes, and drinking. I did try to make this story a bit more mature since I'm older now and don't mind writing about that stuff as much :). I hope you enjoy and I love you guys!
~ olivia 🤍

Frostbite - L.M fanfic (Book 1 REMASTERED)Where stories live. Discover now