𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒-𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾 (𝗂𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒)

81 0 0

february 1, 2022
I knock on Luis's hotel door while rubbing my head. He answers a few seconds later, his eyes widening. "Woah."

I drunkenly giggle. "Hi."

I lose my balance and fall into his arms. He quickly catches me. "Okay, okay . . ." he mutters. "Are you drunk?"

"Nooo," I say sarcastically.

He picks me up bridal style and shuts the door with his foot. He carries me over to his bed and gently sets me down. He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "Baby, you told me you weren't going to drink."

I groan. "Well, Connie was being real pushy and was like "Lia, you're such a party pooper." and Julie was like "Just do it this one time!"."

He lets out a sigh. "You should've just walked away."

"I tried!" I cry.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he says calmly, placing a hand on my cheek. "I know how pushy she can be."

I roll onto my side. "What time is it?"

He runs his hands up and down my back. "It's only eight."

"What?" I gasp. "How the hell . . ."

He chuckles lightly and places a kiss on my cheek. "You're welcome to go to bed right now."

"I don't wanna get up," I mumble. "Everyone is in my room so it's gonna be loud."

"You can stay in here."

I shake my head. "No, because then I would break my promise to my Mom."

He laughs. "What promise?"

"I promised her that I wouldn't have sex with you." I look back at him. "No offense."

He shakes his head while snickering. "Lia, I'm not going to drink so nothing will happen, I promise. You've slept over at my house plenty of times. Has anything ever happened?"

I shake my head slowly. "No . . ."

"So why would that change now?"

I shrug. "I dunno."

"Exactly. Now try to get some sleep-" his words are cut off by the door bursting open.

Connie and Julie walk inside, their drunk laughs echoing off the walls. Luis lets out a huff and stands up from the bed. "You guys can't be in here."

"What? Why?" Connie asks.

"Because Lia is tired and she needs rest."

"Oh, come on! We were just about to have some fun!"

"You guys can go do that elsewhere but not in here."

Connie looks at me over Luis's shoulder. "Lia, come on."

I prop myself up on my elbows. Luis waves his hand at me. "Lia, no."

"She can make her own decisions, Luis. Stop being so controlling."

Luis's jaw flexes. "I'm not being controlling. I'm just making sure she stays safe."

Connie rolls her eyes and pushes past him. "Lia, let's go. He doesn't get to control your decisions."

"Connie, knock it off," Luis grumbles.

Connie snaps her fingers at me. "Any day now!"

I sit up. "Okay, fine."


"Yay!" Connie claps and pulls me off of the bed. "Everyone else is in our room."

"Luis, wanna join?" Julie asks.

If looks could kill, Luis would be on a killing streak. "No."

She shrugs. "Your loss."

I look back at Luis as Connie drags me away. He shakes his head slightly before walking back to his bed. I feel my stomach drop. I hated making him upset.

"Wait," I say once we get into the hallway. "I think I'll stay with Luis. I don't wanna make him upset."

"Ugh, Lia!" Connie groans. "Not everything has to be about Luis! He's fine!"

I let out a sigh. "Okay . . ."

We head back to our room and are greeted by the rest of the team. I sit down at an open spot on my bed next to Charlie. Connie hands me an unopened bottle of vodka and instructs me to chug as much as I can.

I laugh and accept her offer. I crack open the top and begin chugging it down. I get through about a quarter of the bottle before I stop. Everyone cheers and I try my best not to puke.

"Is Luis joining?" Adam asks.

"No, he's being a jerk," Connie says, rolling her eyes.

I bite my lower lip. "He just said he wasn't up for it . . ."

"Yeah, aka being an ass." Connie spits. "No need to worry about him anymore though."

I hug my knees to my chest and feel nauseous. I really, really hated breaking Luis's trust. I felt like such a bitch.

"Lia, stop worrying about him," Connie says, reaching her hand up to touch my calf. "He'll get over it."

I just slowly nod. I knew there was no use in arguing with her about it anymore.


I tap the keycard onto the pad and hear the lock click. I open the door and try to keep my balance. The room is pitch black which makes it even harder to walk in my drunken state.

"Luis?" I whisper while reaching my hands out in an attempt to find his bed. "Where the hell . . ."

A lamp switches on and reveals Luis's tired face. He rubs his eyes before looking at me. I stand there awkwardly while trying my best not to fall.

Without saying a word, he pulls the comforter down and taps the spot next to him. I slowly walk over and sit down. He lays back down and stares at the ceiling.

"I'm sor-"

He shakes his head. "Don't."

I snap my mouth shut, my lower lip quivering. I feel tears swelling in my eyes. I knew I had fucked up big time.

He rolls over on his side, his back facing me. I whimper quietly, my body starting to shake. Tears fall on my cheeks and onto my pajama pants.

I hear him sigh and mutter something to himself. He flips over to face me and grabs my arms before gently pulling me down to his chest. I stuff my face into his neck and begin sobbing.

He comfortingly rubs my back and occasionally kisses my tear-soaked cheeks. He covers us up with the comforter to ease my shaking body. There's so much I want to say to him but all the words get caught in my throat.

He runs a hand through my hair before kissing my forehead. He leans over the nightstand and shuts off the light, leaving us in the dark again.


Frostbite - L.M fanfic (Book 1 REMASTERED)Where stories live. Discover now