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january 17, 2022
My eyes pop open and I look to my side. Izzy and Luis are still sleeping peacefully beside me. A small smile paints my lips as I stroke Izzy's hair lightly.

She's so cute.

I gently stand up and creep over to the bathroom. I get myself ready a little bit (especially scrubbing the shit out of my tongue because morning breath is not pretty) and head back to Luis's room.

As I crawl back onto his bed, Izzy starts to shift around. She groans softly and rubs her eyes.

"Good morning," I whisper.

She smiles shyly. "Good morning."

"How'd you sleep?"

She snuggles up close to me and yawns. "Good."

"That's good." I nod.

"Can I wake Lu up?"

"Uh . . ." I look over at Luis. "Let's wait a little bit, okay?"

She pouts. "Okay."

"Are you hungry?"

She nods. "Mhm."

"Let's go get some food, okay?"

"Okay!" she smiles.

I chuckle and pick her up into my arms. We walk downstairs and I set her down by the counter.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Hm . . ." she hums. "I'll do it."

I raise an eyebrow in confusion but watch her. She grabs some cereal and starts pouring it into the bowl herself along with some milk.

"Done!" she chirps.

I smile. "Good job."

"Do you want any?" she asks.

"Uh . . ." I swallow nervously. "No, thanks. I'm not usually hungry in the morning."

She shrugs and I wrap my arms around my stomach. It's not that I was overweight or anything. In fact, I was pretty underweight. I didn't care though. I wasn't gonna eat, because if I did, Luis would probably break up with me. I don't want that happening.

"Amy?" Izzy questions.

"Huh?" I snap my head up to face her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I nod.

"You sound hungry." she sighs.

"I'm fine. I had a glass of water so that's . . . settling." I lie.

She pouts but leaves it alone. She quickly finishes her food and grabs my hand.

"Can we wake Lu up now?"

"Sure, let's go." I nod.

"Yay!" she squeals happily.

She drags me upstairs and runs into Luis's room. She jumps on top of him and squishes his cheeks.

"Wake up, Lu!" she laughs.

He groans and pushes her away. He stuffs his face into his pillow and closes his eyes again.

"Come on!" Izzy whines.

"No." he says with no emotion.

I smirk and crawl on top of him. "Pleaseeee?"

He just hums, attempting to say no. I sigh but don't give up. "Please, hun?"

His eyes pop open. "Why?"

Frostbite - L.M fanfic (Book 1 REMASTERED)Where stories live. Discover now