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december 16, 2021
I was doing drills when I heard my coach call me over.

"Peterson!" he yells. "Come here!"

I skate over to him and lift my mask. "Yeah?"

He looks annoyed. "We gotta talk to you."

My heartbeat speeds up.

I'm getting kicked off the team for sure. Fuck. I shouldn't have been so rude to Luis yesterday.

I put on a confident face. "Okay, what's up?"

"We re-read the mapping for the hockey teams and . . ." he sighs in anger. "You're supposed to be on the Ducks hockey team."

My face drops into anger. "What? No, I am not joining that team!"

"It's the law, Amelia. I'm sorry."

I gasp and shake my head. "No, no, no! I refuse to join their team. You can't make me."

"We can actually. I know you're upset and I am too. I don't wanna lose my star player but . . ." he clenches his jaw. "You gotta follow the law."

I couldn't believe it. I didn't wanna join that stupid team. "No . . ." I whimper. "Please, coach. Don't make me leave."

"There's nothing I can do." he shrugs. "You'll be with them starting tomorrow."

I watch him skate away and I scoff. I couldn't believe this. It was complete and utter bullshit.


My groggy eyes opened and I was dreading going to hockey practice. I didn't wanna play with that bunch of losers. I'm too good to be on their team.

"Lia?" my sister's voice calls out to me from the hallway.

I groan and hear my door creak open. "Time to get up."

"No," I whine. "I don't wanna be on that team."

She sighs. "I know, but maybe it won't be so bad. I heard they're nice kids."

"They aren't." I spit. "Especially Luis."

She smirks. "Who's that?"

"This stupid boy I hate." I wipe the hair off of my face. "He's so rude and ugly."

"You probably don't even know him that well." she chuckles. "So you have no say in anything about him."

"Yes, I do!" I shoot back. "We have been enemies since I joined hockey thirteen years ago! So I think I have a lot to say about him."

"Alright, whatever. Get up." she waves a hand at me.

"Nope." I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not going."

She sighs and grips my ankles. In one swift move, she yanks me out of my bed and I slam onto the floor. Air shoots out of me and I cough.

"See you downstairs." she smiles.

I roll my eyes and watch her walk out. As I slowly stand up, I hear my phone ding. I pick it up and see a notification from Instagram.

1 new notification:
Luis Mendoza just shared a post.

Why the hell am I getting notifications from his account? I'm not even following him.

I sigh and click on the notification. It was another post of him and that stupid blonde girl. My eyes roll in annoyance as I swipe out of the app. I set my phone down and walked into the bathroom to get ready.

I brush my teeth and hair and put on some deodorant, as well as some more appropriate clothes for hockey. As I finish up, I walk back into my room and start getting my bag ready. I aggressively shove everything inside it and yank my phone off my nightstand. I stomp downstairs and try to sound as annoyed as possible.

I hear Lily chuckle. "Be as loud and aggressive as you want, but you're still going."

I groan. "Ugh. Where's mom and dad? Why can't they take me?"

"Because they have work. Let's go. We're gonna be late."

"I hope we get hit by a car . . ." I mumble.

She shakes her head and waves me out the door. I toss my head back in annoyance as I slowly trudge out of my house. Lily shuts the door behind us and I hear the lock click. I trudge over to her car and huff once I get inside.

Lily looks at me. "Brighten up a bit, Lia. It'll be fun."

I sigh and look out the window. "It'll only be fun if I can clock Luis in the head with a puck."

"Amelia!" she smacks my arm.

I snicker and smile at the thought of hurting him. I knew I had problems but it was for a valid reason, right?


The smell of sweat and B.O. wafted through my nose. I gag in disgust while stepping into the hot locker room. Everyone's eyes dart to me while I just stand there. My new coach, Gordon Bombay, puts a hand on my shoulder and scans his eyes across the kids.

"As you guys already know, Amelia Peterson will be joining our team." he starts. "I expect you to treat her the same as you would with anyone else on your team, alright? No funny business."

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Luis who had a mischievous smirk on his face. Chatters of annoyed agreement mumble from the group as they all push past me. They purposely bump into me but I just stand my ground. I wasn't gonna let them shove me around like a baby.

"See you out on the ice," Luis says, that stupid smirk still on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get out of my face." I wave a hand at him.

"Oh, one more thing." he quickly stops me. "Thanks for the like on my new Instagram post this morning. Helps me out a lot."

I was so confused. I didn't remember liking the post. He chuckled and patted my shoulder. I slap his hand lightly and watch him walk out.

"Get ready and meet us out on the ice," Bombay ordered.

"Uh, yeah. Be right out." I mumble, still confused.

That's when I quickly grab my phone and open it. Right as I did, Luis's post came up and I had liked it. I gasped and quickly unliked it. I must've done that when I "swiped" out of my phone.

Oh my God.


heyya! chapter two and just some minor changes. I'm going to make Luis less aggressive because that's not attractive 😀. I love you guys!
~ olivia 🤍

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