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january 20, 2022
I excitedly run inside the hockey rink. "Coach!" I yell.

His head spins to face me. "Hey!"

I stop in front of him with a smile on my face. "I can play hockey again."

"Really?" he questions.

"Yeah!" I hold my hand up. "I got it out of the cast a few days ago."

"Wow . . ." he mumbles. "That was fast."

"What can I say?" I smirk. "I'm a fast healer."

He chuckles. "Well, if you can still play as well as before, I'll let you play in the tournament coming up."

"Okay, thank you!" I nod.

I excitedly run into the locker room and start getting my gear on. I see Connie standing in front of me.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like you're putting your gear on. You can't play yet."

"Yes, I can!" I hold my hand up. "My hand isn't broken anymore!"

She gasps. "Really?!"

I nod frantically and she squeals happily. "Yay!"

Everyone looks at us oddly but I ignore them. I finish getting my gear on and grab my hockey stick. Connie and I walk onto the ice and I look around.

"Have you seen Luis anywhere?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, I haven't."

I hum in confusion but brush it off.

He probably overslept or something.

We hop onto the bench and Julie sits next to us.

"Guys!" she smiles.

"What?" Connie and I say at the same time.

Julie lowers her voice. "I think Adam likes me."

I gasp. "Really?"


"Why do you think he likes you?" Connie asks.

"He always stares at me and I always see a small smile paint his lips when he does."

Connie and I both gasp. "That's exciting!" I squeal.

"Yeah, but don't tell him, please. I don't wanna jinx it." Julie sighs.

"We won't." Connie shakes her head.

"Oh, he's coming. Don't embarrass me." Julie growls.

I sit up straight again and watch Adam sit next to me. "Hey, guys."

"Hi." Julie smiles.

I snicker but act normal. "Hey."

"You guys excited for the tournament coming up?" he asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Same," Connie says.

"Julie?" Adam questions. "What about you?"

She's just staring at him with a small smile painted on her face. Connie nudges her and she snaps out of her gaze.

"What?" she questions.

"Adam asked if you're excited for the tournament coming up?" I say.

"Oh, uh, yeah, o-only if he's excited." she nods.

Oh, goodness.

"Yeah, I am." he nods.

Julie laughs nervously and grabs Connie's hand. She whispers something to her and Connie nods.

Frostbite - L.M fanfic (Book 1 REMASTERED)Where stories live. Discover now