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december 17, 2021
For some reason, I woke up earlier than I usually do. I woke up at six o'clock and I'm still annoyed about it. I could've slept in but no. My body had to wake me up early.

A quiet groan leaves my mouth as I stand up from my warm bed. As I descend the staircase, I hear a ruckus coming from the kitchen. Assuming it was my parents, I just kept going.

I peek my head around the corner and see Leo standing there on his phone. I sigh with relief and raise one eyebrow in confusion. "Why are you up?"

He jumps at the sound of my voice and quickly looks up. "Oh, I couldn't sleep."

"Oh, that sucks." I walk over to him. "I woke up at six and I couldn't fall back asleep."

"Sucks for you, I guess." he snickers.

"Hey, you said you couldn't fall back asleep." I shoot back. "So sucks for you too."

"I was just teasing, sis." he ruffles my hair.

I sigh and quickly fix it. He walks over to the couch and flops onto it, purposely taking up all the space.

"Thanks." I sarcastically smile.

He smiles back and goes back to his phone. A sneaky smile spreads across my face as I jump on top of him. He grunts and his phone flies out of his hands. He looks worried.

"Haha! That's what you get!" I snicker.

"Get off." he pushes me away.

He looks desperate to get his phone back. I zoom over to it and pick it up into my hands. Luckily, it was still unlocked. Leo's face turns into worry and he tries to get it back.

"Give it back, please!" he begs.

"No!" I run away. "I wanna see what you're hiding!"

"That's invading my privacy!" he groans.

I run into the bathroom and quickly lock the door. He bangs his fists loudly on the door and I hear him groan in annoyance. "Please, Lia! I don't have anything to hide!"

"Then why do you look so worried?"

He didn't answer. I knew it was wrong of me to do this, but I couldn't help myself. I opened his most recent app and saw he was texting a girl. Normally, I could care less about this but the thing is, he already has a girlfriend.

"Leo . . ." I mumble.

"I know, I know. I'm a horrible person." his voice cracks.

"Who's Emma?" I ask.

"She . . . she's just a friend of mine . . ."

"These don't look like friendly texts."

He sighs again and sniffs. "Please, Lia . . ."

I crack the door open and see that his eyes are now filled with tears. "Are you okay?"

"No . . ." he shakes his head. "Th . . . there's something that I need to tell you about Grace."

"Your girlfriend Grace?" I question.

He nods and I start to get worried. "Okay . . . tell me what's up."

He gasps for words and I had never seen him look so worried and scared. This made me more stressed about what he was about to tell me. "Leo, what's wrong with Grace?"

He stares at me dead in the eyes. "She's not who you think she is."

I didn't know if he was lying or not. "What do you mean? She seems nice . . ."

"Around other people, she is but when it's just us . . ." he shivers. "She's a completely different person."

"I-I don't understand." my head shakes. "What do you mean?"

He was about to say something but hesitated. "Never mind. I-I don't know why I'm telling you this."

"No, no, no, Leo. Talk to me please."

He sighs and shakes his head. "Hand me the phone."

"Not until you tell me what's going on with you and Grace."

"Please." he holds his hand out. "I'll show you."

I hesitantly smack the phone back into his hands and he began doing whatever with it. I wait patiently and he eventually puts it back in my hands. "Read those. And just know that's not half of it."

He walks away and I look down at the screen. It was their texting conversation. I begin reading and my eyes quickly widen. She was threatening him with death threats and talked about some gruesome ways of murdering him and his family. My family.

I couldn't think straight. I quickly turn off the phone and run out of the bathroom.

"Leo . . ." I quiver. "Is this true?"

"Sadly, yes. I told you there's more." he swallows harshly.

"Wha . . . what's worse than this?" I shout louder than I should've.

He claps a hand over my mouth and his eyes dart to the stairs. "You're gonna wake Lily up."

"Sorry." my voice muffled in his hand.

He sighs and removes his hand from my mouth. "I shouldn't be telling you all this."

"I don't care. Leo, we gotta call the police." I try to grab his phone again.

"No!" he pushes me back. "She will go ballistic if I do that."

"That doesn't matter. Leo, she threatened you."

He shakes his head. "Just forget about it."

Before I could say anything else, he disappeared upstairs. I huff in anger and crack my knuckles.

This bitch is not getting away with this.


~olivia 🤍

Frostbite - L.M fanfic (Book 1 REMASTERED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora