Spy! Levi X Spy! Reader

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I walked down the halls of MP base making my way to a meeting. I looked at my watch and it read 10:28A.M. when the meeting started at 10:30A.M. I was always a bit early to everything when it came to events like this as such. I turned the corner to a door, I turned the doorknob and made my way inside the room. When the door closed, I met my gaze with my mentor. He stood there in the front of the room waiting for me. He was not also my mentor but also the leader of the agency, and his name is Nile Dok.

"Glad you can make it Y/n." He said.

I nodded and made my way in a seat, and was opened ears for the meeting.
The door opened again and in came a girl with blonde hair put into a bun, with a few pieces of hair out to frame her face. She looked at both Nile and I before making her way to the opposite side of the table, sitting down.

"Glad you could make it Annie." Nile said.

She didn't say anything but wave her hand off.

"Let's begin."

Nile cleared his throat, "So as you know your last mission we found out what's happening in Rose, Europe. We descovered a sirum which is basically a formula created to make a human being invincible and have a ever lasting healthly life style."

Nile turned on a projection screen and began showing clips of a few people that took video of the two subjects.

"This video was taken by one of are agents, little of what we know of what this sirum could do."

I watched as I seen two guys in the clip both about 6 foot above. One with brown hair, well built, and was way taller then the other. The other was blond, very built. They both had the sirum injected into them and suddenly they screamed in pain, and was transformed into a super human. I was mazes at what it could do, then a few of the tester came by the two and cut one of the guys arm deeply where it was a deep flesh wound. Instantly steam came from the wound and we could see the skin was growing back.
I was amazed, this could do amazing things for people, especially in the army. People would never getting hurt and would heal instantly, this sirum would be a miracle.

"Now you see what sirum could do. If we could get that supply of sirum we could use it to take out the most dangerous jobs." Nile said.

"So what is the mission?" I asked.

"There was man named Grisha Jaeger that held the sirum but died recently from a stroke. But we were in formed that he gave the sirum to his son Eren Jaeger."

The projection flipped and showed a picture of the man known as Grisha then next to him a picture of his son which was known as Eren.

"Your mission is to capture Eren, if we get him in the clentches he would have no choice but to give us the sirum." Nile said. He slid a file down to me, which I caught.
"Everything you need is in that file, Annie I sent you yours just a little while ago, did you receive it?"

Annie nodded. "It's right here."

Nile smiled. "Excellent."

I opened the files and seen where I must go, what's my undercover name and who my objective is. All the rest was in the back, I flipped a page notice a girl that I never seen before, also that wasn't in the presentation.

"Dok." I said.


"Who's this?" I said pointing at a picture of a girl with jet black hair, she wore a red scarf covering attempting to cover her face with it.

"Oh yes, Mikasa Ackerman." He said, "She is Eren's adopted sister, Grisha adopted her when she was just 10 years old. Be aware she is lethal, we were told she's protective of Eren. So when you do go, watch out for her."

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