Levi X SongWriter! Pianoist! Reader

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Special Guest(s): Jet Madison, Maria Rosalinda

If you don't know who these two are, they are from my Levi X Reader book called Ackerman. Two of my OC's that people love dearly. In honor of them, I will bring them back for a one shot.

This is somewhat, kind of a part two, to the Levi X Sad! Pianoist! Reader oneshot.

Happy Valentine's Day lovelies. This is my gift to you all.

As her fingers lightly glided along each key it released a soft sound of a note. Her (e/c) eyes were looking down at the black and white keys in front of her, for that was her only focus. She seemed so lost, as the sweet sound of music was being made. It echoed through out the small room, making her music much more alive.

Though the room was quiet she wasn't alone.

There, sitting beside her was a man she was deeply in love with. He sat down next to her on the piano's stool, watching her. His grey eyes watched as her fingers moved along the piano's keys. It fascinated him so much, because he's never met anyone who played the piano, or played it as well as her.

Her fingers stopped in place as she finished a song.

"Not bad." Levi said.

Y/n smiled.

Levi's gaze then met a white sheet of paper on the piano's top. It looked like a music sheet with notes written on it. He reached up grabbing it, then examined, and that's when he was right, it was a music sheet. Also, it was Y/n's.

"You've written another song?" He asked.

She scratched the back of her head in nervousness. "Yeah."

He didn't say anything but hand it over to Y/n, as she respectfully took it, placing it on the music desk.

"It's not finished I was hoping to have in done on time."

"On time?" He raised a brow. "For what?"

"For Valentine's Day silly, it's Valentine's Day." She smiled at him.


"What? What's wrong?"

"It's just another day."

"It's not just another day, it's Valentine's day, it's the time to celebrate romance, love."

"Isn't that everyday?"

She gave him a serious look. "Levi."

"I'm just stating a fact."

"You don't ever like celebrating holidays do you? Not even your birthday."

"They're just days, it's nothing special."

"Yes they are."

Levi got up from his spot, and began walking away. "I'm gonna go back to my office."

Y/n didn't say anything but remain in her spot. She listened as she hear the sounds of his boots light hit against the floor, notifying his leave. As soon as she couldn't hear them anymore, she leaned her head ain't the piano's music desk.

"Whoa, I never been in here before!" A voice said.

Y/n quickly raised her head and turn her head towards the door. At the door was her two best friends, Jet and Maria.

"Oh, Hey Y/n, Happy V-day!" Maria waved with a smiled.

"Hey guys."

Both Maria and Jet made their way into the room and over to Y/n.

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