Ex Boyfriend! Levi X Reader X Eren

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"Done." I said wiping sweat off my brow. I did it, I finally finished moping the floor. I couldn't handle seeing the floor slightly stained from previous spills and other accidents. It disgusted me, seeing the bottom of my boots every time I walked in here. I hate cleaning with a passion, it was one of things I despised ever since I joined the Scouts, but I couldn't handle the gross black dust and muck that was left on my boots every time I took a step in here. And so for the first time in a long while, I actually cleaned because I wanted to. It took awhile to mop because how much stuff was in the room, but luckily I had someone help me move everything so I could do so.

"Thanks for helping me out, Eren." I said.

Eren scratched the back of his head in nervousness. "Heh, no problem, it's kinda a lot to do for one person."

"I'm glad to have you to help me out." I smiled.

He returned the smile.

I picked up the bucket of water, with the mop in the other hand and began walking. When I got to the center of the room, I heard a small creak noise when I took a step. This caught my attention so I stopped in place.

What was that?

I looked down at my feet and lightly placed my foot against the wooden floor before me. I heard the small creak again, and I tilt my head to the side. Huh? That's off, the floor seems a little bit loose. Now that I think about, it's kinda dangerous to have a loose floor like thing.

"Um, so, has Captain Levi said anything to you?" Eren asked.

I brought my attention back to him. "Huh, oh, um, no..."

"Really? I'm surprised, I'd thought he would've said something by now."

"He doesn't care about me. He never did." I placed the bucket down and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Hey." Eren walked over to me and stroked my cheek. "Why the sad face?"

I sighed. "Nothing."

"Y/n, if you still like him, we don't have to keep dating."

"N-no, I like you a lot Eren. It's just... I still need to get over it."

"I understand." He wrapped him arms around me pulling me into a hug. "I'm always here for you."

"I know." I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me.

I don't know why, but every time Eren hugs me, I just feel out of place for some reason. I just feel like I don't belong. I ignored that feeling and laid my head against his shoulder.

We stayed like this for awhile until he pulled away from me.

"Well, I better start on my chores. I wouldn't want Captain Levi getting upset with me about not doing my part." Eren said.

"Yeah, you better go do them."

"I'll talk to you later." He kissed the top of my head before walking towards the door.

I blushed.


Eren smiled at me and left.

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