Vampire! Levi X Reader

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My heart was beating fast in my chest. I tried my best to calm my breathing but it remained shaky as my heart beats paste wouldn't slow down. I was trap, I couldn't escape. In front of me was my black hair corporal, gazing at me with his now reddened eyes.

He trapped my body in between the wall and himself. He had both of my wrists pinned, there was no escape for me.

I was afraid, I never knew that my captain of the squad was a blood sucking killer. I have read book of the past myths about creatures that use to be told to be seen besides the Titans. I have read about the familiar pale skin, monsters that thirst for human's blood. They were no longer to be seen but now... In front of me was one of them. I never knew Captain Levi would be a vampire.

He leans slowly toward me, closing the space between us. With one hand holding both my arms above my head, he used his free hand to move my jacket off one of my shoulders. I knew it was to give space for what he was about to do to me, I wanted to fight him off me but what good would it do? He'd catch me still.

He leaned his toward s the crook of my neck, to where I could feel his warm breath against my skin. It made me shiver slightly, to my already shaken body. I could sense him giving a small sniff against me, my guessing smell me could get a good scent of what my blood would taste like to him.

This made my heart beat faster in my chest. I wanted someone to save me right now.

Levi ran his tongue against the crook of my neck which made me close my eyes in fear. No, was this happening? Before I knew it, he buried his fangs into my neck. I gasped at the pain, as eyes widened. This pain. I felt as my blood was being drained from my body. I closed my eyes shut tight as it hurt every second as he drank my blood.

I wanted to scream loudly but the shock and fear I felt as if my scream was swallowed up and all that came out was a gasp.

"C-captain..." I whispered.

His hand let go of my wrists freeing them both. Where he instantly put his hands around my waist keeping me close.

My hands returned to my sides where I closed my hand making it into a fit against the wall. Trying to bare the pain. I began to feel weak as he continued I was sure I was gonna die. I put my hands at his chest trying to push him away but I felt so weak I couldn't.

"C-captain, s-stop." I said quietly.

I felt him clutch the back of my shirt in his fist. His mouth bit down a little harder which made me go weak even more.


I felt as his lips softened at the sound of his name. If it was like the human side of him as woken up from his blood lusting side. He pulled away from me and I looked at him with my eyes half open. He had a shocked look on his face as he seen what had did. His crimson red eyes turned back to his steel grey ones. Blood stained his lips, along with blood running down the corner of his mouth down to his jaw.

"Y/n?" He said.

I wanted to cry at what just happened but my vision faded in front of me and all I remember is fainting into Levi's arms.

Levi X Reader (One-shots and Mini Series)Where stories live. Discover now