Phantom of the Opera PART 3

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Today was performance day and to be honest I really didn't want to be part of this. I mean, what was I suppose to do while the performance was going on? Everyone was rushing around as they began getting ready, I seen as the director was pasting through the stage and looked frustrated. Being the director and the head of the show he had to make sure everything was perfect for the King. I can see his stress on not wanting to disappoint his lord. I was in Eren's dressing room sitting down in his chair while a few cadets helped him with the finishing touches on his costume.

Eren just looked at the arms of his tonic. He looked into the mirror and caught me staring at him. He must've seen my saddened facial expression because he came over to my before going down to my height.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"You don't seem like it what's wrong really?"

I lowered my gaze. I feel so stupid for acting this way but I can't help it, I just want to be the main star of the show but not that alone but to be a co-star to Levi.

"I'm jealous..."

"Hehe, why? It's kinda ridiculous wear this outfits."

"You don't get it really Eren, I'm jealous of Petra."

"Why---" Then his gaze softened as he realized what I meant. "You wanted to be Christine?"

I nodded.

A knock came from the door and another cadet came into the room. "Sorry to disturb you but the director want to speak with all of us."

Both Eren and I looked at each other before getting up to leave the room.

When we all assembled back stage the director began talking to us about the show for tonight on how everything needs to be perfect. Everyone needs to be ready and everything in on time for this is a show for the king and couple of his friends he knew.

"Where are my stars?" He said.

Levi, Eren both went up to the director. Eren looked so uncomfortable by the way he standing. Poor Eren. While Levi... Damn (Daniel, jk jk.) I never seen him wear a nice tux. On his shoulder was the black cape. From the looks he was just getting his makeup done to get the Phantoms deformed on his face. And man... Just picturing that mask he'd be wear would make him look sexy as hell. I just wished I was in Petra's shoes. I'd be the one he'd be holding, singing to, and kissing.


Petra is so lucky.

The director gave them smiled but it began to away as he saw that the main character of the performance wasn't here.

"Where's Petra?" He asked.

Everyone looked around, in search of the stawberry blond.

"Does anyone know where Petra is?" The director asked.

"I think she's sick. She woke up feeling horrible. She thinks she caught the flu." A cadet said in the crowd.

"What?! No this can't be!" He said pasting around.

"We have Y/n still." Eren said.

I lowered my head. Oh no, why'd he say my name?

"Y/n? Y/n! Yes, we still have you. Y/n, will you fill in for Petra and be our Christine?"

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