Phantom of the Opera PART 1

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I was sitting down in the mess hall of the Scout Regiment head quarters, eating my meal for tonight. Across from me was Mikasa and Eren, while Armin sat next to me. We all ate and talked here and there, enjoying each other's company. And as usual Jean came by trying to pick a fight with Eren  or be looking at Mikasa with hearts in his eyes.

The door of the mess hall burst open catching everyone's attention. The whole room got silent as they all look to the front of the door where Captain Levi, Squad Leader Hanji stood behind Commander Erwin.

"Everyone listen up." Erwin said.

Every cadet in the room got up from their spot and saluted him.

Erwin pulled out a paper from his jacket pocket. "I have received a message from the King and I'd like to share to you what he had written, for this message is for the whole Scout Regiment to hear."

"So listen up shithead's." Levi said crossing his arms.

Erwin began reading the paper. "He has requested that all the 3 branches of the military to come together and put on a show for him."

Some of the cadets looked at each other in confusion. A show? What does that mean?

"In other words, what he means is he wants everyone in the Military Police, the Garrison, and the Scouts to all do a performance, like play. He will select what he wants us to preform and we follow through and do so."

A play? Is he serious!? Is the King just being a big asshole towards us all?

"He also said if anyone of any of the branches refuse; will be removed from their position from which ever branch they come from, are stripped from their citizenship of the walls and are forced to live in the Underground." Erwin read of the paper.

All the cadets looked at the Commander in shock.

Now the King is just being a big asshole. This is just stupid! He's probably laughing at us right now after sending the letter. Must be nice to be the king and have everyone follow your rules.

Erwin lowered the paper. "Before you start rambling, I will say, I find this unacceptable as well. You all are soldiers not actors or performers. You give up your lives for the sake of humanity, but we must do as were told."

The room got quiet.

"Now," Erwin rose the paper eye level again. "The play he has selected is also on this, he has chosen Phantom of the Opera."

Phantom of the Opera?

"Now, everyone has to be apart of the performance in some way through, casting, extras, and  technical." Erwin flipped to the other page of the letter. "The Kings Royal servant's are the directors and will be arranging people for certain parts. He added each cadet and higher ups will be required to at least try for a role."

Are you serious? If I had the choice to back out I would but come on. What is the play even, like singing and dancing? I kinda smiled, it'd be funny to see some of the sections commanders trying to sing.

"This will be effective as soon as possible. Signed the king."


The Next Day

Everyone from different branches stood in line the scratched from inside the MP to outside. We all stood there annoyed while very few cadet were actually happy to be doing a play. I don't see why they're so happy? But what pisses me off is the fact the King allowed all the MP cadets to not be part of the casting but be making sure everyone is doing what they're suppose to. So they get to laugh at us and make sure we are practicing and preforming. I swear the MP are the favorite to everyone... Stupid pig--

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