Phantom of the Opera PART 4 (Final)

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"Beautiful!" The director said to me as he held both my hands.

"Heh, thanks." I said as I was sitting in my chair.

"Petra is a good singer but Y/n you were perfect, flawless in the performance!"

A few cadets were getting the wig off me and began putting it away. I still couldn't believe this, I was the lead for the Phantom of the Opera performance. I practiced just as much as everyone else did, even though I wasn't suppose to be Christine. I know it's bad to say this but I'm glad Petra gotten sick. I would've never experience this feeling of being in a performance, and for another thing, I would've never gotten closer to him. Just thinking about if Petra didn't get sick, my relationship with Levi would be the same on how it started with him. Silent, no communication with each other what's so ever but the simple commands coming from.

"Get back to cleaning!"

"Yes sir."

It'd be the same. I wouldn't know any other way to get closer to him. But this opportunity helped with stepping up my game, I gotten to have him wrap his arms around me, not even that but kiss me. The captain of the Special Ops kissed me. I gave a small smile to myself.

The Next Day

I sat down at the table with a few of the girls. Sasha, Krista and Mikasa. Little strange Mikasa sat with us beside sitting with Eren but whatever, happy she's comes by and hangs.

"So you guys." Sasha said. "You hear that The Captain and Petra are engaged."

My eyes widened. "What?"

Mikasa had a monotone. "What."

"It's true. They both were together this morning and I saw Petra have a ring on her finger and she smiled at the captain and such."

I lowered my gaze. What? So that's why Levi was so upset about yesterday. He wanted Petra to preform so he could propose to her... To think I may have gotten a chance with him. God I feel so stupid!

"Y/n you okay?" Mikasa asked.

"Heh, yeah I'm fine." Everyone around me was still talking as for me, I sat there looking at my food. I can't believe I thought the Captain would actually like me. This whole time he's like Petra. I have nothing against her really, she's very nice and basically like a older sister to me. But I could see why he'd like her, she's pretty, she's smart, heck she's not afraid of titans, so she basically better then me at everything. I got up from my spot and began walking out of the mess hall.

The girls watched me as I did, and was confused on why I left without an explanation. But I just wanted to be alone, I needed to think. When I turned the corner I bumped into someone.


"I'm sorry." I apologized. My eyes widened as I seen Petra in front of me. Oh god, right now she's the last person I wanna see.

Petra coughed a little before clearing her throat. From the sound of her coughing she seemed pretty sick still. "It's okay--Hey, Y/n!"

"Hey Petra." I gave a weak smile.

She coughed again. "I heard about how the performance went, thanks for filling in for me and sorry about leaving you with a lot to handle."

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