Zombie Apocalypse PART 1

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I don't know even know how all of this started really. It was just like any other normal day, I was out with some friends of mine when suddenly everyone began to panic. Apparently a big outbreak occurred, people were running out in the street, screaming. Before the power shut out, on the news channel, an infection broke out to where the dead came back to life and were eating people, within maybe a day the person bitten would turn into one of them.

It was just like in the movies and video games. I never thought that an actual zombie apocalypse would start but here we are now, searching towns, cities, to find supplies to survive on.

"Did you find anything good in the store?" Bf/n asked.

This is my boyfriend, Bf/n. When the apocalypse started Bf/n was with me the entire time, he never let me leave his side and always kept me safe. When I was in the freaking out stages he was there to comfort me and taught to not be afraid, telling me as long as I was with him I'd be safe. Still to this day after 2 years of this chaos we stuck together.

"Yeah I found some cans of beans, corn, mixed veggies and peaches." I replied while I began unzipping my bag. "And hey!"

I tossed him a can which he caught. He flipped over to seen the label and his eyes widened before looking over to me.

"Chocolate pudding?!" He cried.


"Holy shit, you realize this is the hardest thing to find now a days?"


"Well, well my girl must have luck on her today. Hey Eren check this out!" Bf/n chuckled as he approached Eren.

I smiled and zipped my bag back up.

Right now we're on our supply hunt for food for back home and if we did find medicine we'd take it. It was Bf/n, Eren, Mikasa and I in a group along with other sin different parts of the city.

Where I live they truly are on the saying survival of the fittest. When the outbreak struck, a man named Sina Oberson created a community that enforced strict rules upon its followers. No children or elderly citizens were allowed and anybody with a medical condition to disclose it and child bearing was also forbidden.

Food was rationed to its citizens, and signs were posted around Sina telling them to use their rations wisely. There was also a garage in which the community stored its gas, a sign was posted there saying that any looters would be shot without hesitation. The community set up a barrier of dead zombies that separated Sina from the rest of world to keep both undead and other survivors away. It a pretty terrible place, but it's the only place that'll keep us safe from harm and also keep us fed.

I felt a headache coming on and I rubbed my temples a few times whiling closeup my eyes.

Oh man, I'm about ready to take one of those pills we found. I opened my eyes picked up my bag.

"You guys ready?" Mikasa asked.

"Ready." Eren said.

Bf/n nodded.

I gave a thumbs up.

"Cost is clear, we should get back before sun down." Mikasa opened the door.

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