Knight! Levi X Servant! Reader

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"They're home!" Petra called out.

I shot my head up. They're home. I quickly put my sponge in the bucket full of water before picking it, I set it down near the wall before running towards the door. I brushed my dress a bit to look presentable then continued to walk. It's been almost 2 months since we last saw them, well since I last saw him. This was a normal thing for me, to miss him, since I was a servant. It always broke my heart to know he'd be gone for such a long period, and to wonder if he's still alive. It was forbidden for me, a servant, to love someone that was a Nobel. But ever since I began my job as a servant, over time I grew to fall in love with my master.

He was rude, emotionless, and cold but something about him had me grow attached to him. Sure, he's gotten mad at me before because of his frustration and anger, but never has he laid a finger on me. He liked the silence so I would try my best to stay quiet as possible and not disturb him. Yes, I would need to get his attention for certain times but that's the only time I would bother him.

I walked out the door and there before me were our Knights.

They all were getting off their horses, and a few of the servants would go to attend them, taking anything that the Knights wanted off. I looked for the familiar armor, the one with a dent on the left shoulder, that I only knew was my master. When one of the knights moved his horse, I got a view of my lord on his horse still. He had his full amor on still, and lightly patted his horse. I felt total happiness to know he came back, alive and well.

"I made sure, the others left Sir Ackerman alone." Petra said to me before walking past to attend a knight.

I smiled. She knew how I felt about my master, and always tried to get him and I closer. It was nice of her but knew that a servant and noble aren't meant to be together, and yet it didn't stop her for getting me closer to him. I began slowly walking towards my lord. Each step I took, I felt heart race. It's been so long...

He grabbed his helmet, before slowly taking it off his head, revealing his undercut then his dark locks of hair falling afterwards. He continued pulling it forward exposing his jawline then the rest of his face.

I felt myself beginning to blush. This was my master, Sir Levi Ackerman.

He shook his hair a bit before pushing it back, revealing grey eyes. I noticed his skin was slightly damp from his sweat, it kinda added a bit of majestic-ness to him. In my opinion I thought he looked kinda sexy like that. What I couldn't get over was now, his hair slightly damp back to how it usually is along with his full amor on his body. He looked very handsome. I rarely get to see him in his full armor, so when I do get the chance, I drink in the sight. To be a Nobel like him... I would want to be with this man every second of my life.

Levi began getting off his horse. I stopped beside him as he gotten down.

"H-hello, master." I curtsy before him lowering my head as well.

"...Tch, Stop it now and help me get this shit off." He replied.

I smiled. "Yes, my lord."

Levi X Reader (One-shots and Mini Series)Where stories live. Discover now