Love Never Dies PART 1

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"Guys!!" Hanji cried and she ran towards us.

I stood with Eren, Mikasa and Armin as we all were in are our little group talking.

"I wonder what Section Commander is getting so excited for?" Eren said.

I shrugged. "Who knows, she probably thought of something and wants to experiment on you again."

"Please lord no..."

Hanji grew closer with a loud laughter following her.

"Any idea what Hanji is getting excited about?" Petra asked us as Eld, Gunter and Oluo followed behind her.

"No clue." Armin replied.

"I was thinking she probably came up with something that involves Eren." I said.

"I swear she's crazy." Gunter added as we all watched as Hanji stop before us.

She had a big smile on her face and waved. "Hello everyone. I have some news!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you guys remember when The King requested all of us to preform Phantom of the Opera for him?"

"Don't remind me." Eren said touching his forehead.

"Anywho, we got a letter for The King again and he said..."

We all got silent right away, giving Hanji our full attention as she tried to build tension.

"He wants us to do the sequel to the Phantom of the Opera."

My jaw dropped.

"Oh god..." Petra said.

"This is dumb. We already played jesters for him once now he wants us to do it again?!" Oluo yelled.

All of us began walking towards Hanji with each one of us complaining to her. Even myself I was yelling at Hanji even though she had no control what so ever about this whole situation.

"Enough." A voice said.

We all stopped knowing who's voice that belong to.

"C-captain Levi." Eren studdered.

Hanji went over to Levi standing next to him. "Thank you, Levi."

"Whatever. What's with all the crying around?"

"Well if you must know, the King has requested the whole military again to do the sequel to the performance we did last time."

Levi got quiet.

Oh no.

"Where's that paper?" Levi asked.

"Right here--" Levi snatched the paper from Hanji gripped and began reading the document.

We all got quiet as we watched Levi silently read the paper to himself. This wasn't good, Levi's silence already told us all he wasn't happy, not one bit.

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