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"Drink this," Dr Meira said handing over a small cup of water and some medicines, "It's just some painkillers, they won't really help but they might lower the pain you'll feel" Kai smiled at the generosity of her giving him some medicines, he downed them ones before positioning himself on the bed. "This is going to feel cold and uncomfortable" Meira warned, covering the lower half of Kai's body with a cloth. Kai took a deep breath before feeling an uncomfortable and burning stretch in his body, he squeezed his eyes shut while holding the table edge of the table.

A few more minutes passed, from the woman moving the cold gadget around and controlling the monitor. "Okay we are done, you can dress up and come to the main office, take the time you need!" Dr Meira said, standing up from the chair she had been sitting up before leaving some privacy to Kai. 'First appointment and I already hate it' he thought while sleeping in his underwear and trousers.

"How does it feel?" asked when Kai reemerged from, the room, "Feels a little bit weird but I'm okay" he replied sitting down on the chair in front of the disorganized desk, there were from pills to liquids, heat insulators to heat removals, injections and scent blockers. "So I controlled the results and I'm ninety per cent sure you'll have your heat in two days, you are fully healed, I'm surprised because it usually takes between three to four days for your insides to adjust. Also with your pheromones level distribution and glands, you are dominant omega. You might still experience shock waves of pain but don't worry it's nothing serious for those you who can take a simple painkiller of any type." she explained the first part.

"Okay, there is a problem tho.I don't know shit about heats like nothing" Kai admitted with a nervous smile on his face. "oh no problem, I'll explain it to you. So basically it's your body saying it's ready t and at the highest fertile level to have a child. It's just a primal instinct you cannot ignore most of the time, some people say it hurts very bad while others say it's bearable. It is better if you have someone to pass the time with, a friend you can trust for example. There are some medicines to avoid it but don't recommend them at all. It happens once every two to three months for the dominant omegas class and that's all. I'll get some vitamins and some Omega suppressants, not the strong ones. Is that Okay?"

Kai nodded at the load of information that had to sink into his head. "Yes thank you, oh and the names... of my potential mate" he asked taking in hand the small piece of paper with his prescription on it. "Yes, about that. I don't want you to freak out sir. I'll need to call one of the two outsides" Meira said moving closer to the door, waiting for Kaito to say a name in particular. "The tattooed tall one with the dreads" Kai required while pinching his fingers under the table.

"Okay, so he has more than one mate in the discussion, I saw six names in total" Kai's eyes looked ready to jump out of his face; "What do you mean by six?" a deep voice said coming from right next to Kai, the lady brought out a small jotter she had by her side. "They were all stacked as if in a pyramid on his tight side mixed in with some of his tattoos, they said: Duke, Fanum, Agent, Chris and Davis. Do you know who the rest of them are?" Duke nodded understandingly "Yes, we all live in the same house ma'am!" Dr Meira's eyebrows rose up in astonishment "I believe that's good for all of you, make sure to give him enough pheromones to feed off, treat him well and bring him back in a week, on the twenty-fifth, nope not possible just bring him back on the second of January" the woman finished explaining before escorting them out. "Thank you," Kai said.


At the house,

Kai was the first to step foot inside the house, "How was it, lil nigga?" Chris asked, patting the shorter guy's head. "Touch my head one more time and you won't have a dick no more" Kai snapped finally understanding all the things his doctor had told him. "Didn't go well then!" Fanum answered for him "If I tell you they stuck something cold as ice up your goddamn hole, and you have to prepare for your first heat that's in a day or two, what do you expect?" Kai said lying on the couch face down. "I wouldn't take it well" Chris replied sitting next to the man on the couch.

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