Chapter 6-2

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"I saw it in Robin Hood."

"Which Robin Hood?" Alec asked as three sets of eyes looked over at the new trainee.

"The one with Kevin Costner, Russell Crow, or the one where everyone is in tights?" Kelvin asked.

Peter's eyes broke contact and glanced down to the concrete floor of the training center. "The one with the fox," he mumbled.

The three top-ranked wolves of Dark Moon groaned in unison.

"It should work, though," Peter said hopefully but still looking down at the ground.

"You're right. It'll probably be fine." Alec looked back to the pyramid of hay bales. "But why did you get so many?"

"I... uh, I wasn't sure if they were reusable. I didn't know how much shooting she'd be doing. I also didn't want it to go through the bale and end up in the wall."

Gamma Jax spoke up, looking down at his phone. "You said you saw it in that cartoon? I don't see it here."

Now using Jax's Google results as a centerpiece, the group let out another groan.

"I saw it somewhere!" Peter pleaded but then quickly lost stamina. "It was on... Pinterest."

Six eyes looked at him quietly for about three seconds before laughter broke out.

"Was it under 'design ideas for a country kitchen of your own'?"

"Get anything else from there that we can use? Maybe decorate with some flowers for her to shoot?"

"But did you get the hay in the recommended color?"

Peter looked away, "You all seem to know an awful lot about that website."

"Don't cha mean y'all?" Kelvin smacked his mouth and showed off a piece of hay that now hung from his lower lip.

The camaraderie dissolved, and silence fell over the quartet when Alec registered her presence. Shit. The sideways glances from Kelvin and Jax confirmed he sent off a wave.

A lithe feminine figure backlit by the sun entered through the open doors. Her hands were burdened with equipment, and a bag slung across her body kept her stride powerful but not graceful. A mild halo of red glowing around her head felt like an ethereal warning to him.

At least she was early this time. Maybe he can get through to her.

The infamous bo staff he had heard stories about was balanced on her left in a loose grip. Was she hoping for the chance to crack some knuckles to keep wolves away? Wait. Who here is giving her unwanted attention that would cause her to want to drive them off? His eyes swung around the small group.

Oh. Wait.

Is the bo staff for him?

His selectively eidetic memory recalled every square inch of her from this morning as she silently crossed the floor. He can never remember his mother's birthday, but that mole on the outside of her left breast is burned forever in his mind. Wonder how the mole is doing right now.

Well, if it wasn't clear before it certainly is now. The bo staff is definitely for him.

The juxtaposition of a wolf carrying weapons was not lost on him. Preferring more hands-on ways to take down prey, proficiency in equipment like this isn't common. They also like to fight in wolf form as a pack where baggage and clothing don't transport with you well.

Although appreciative of seeing how she performs, er, a pack member's talents, he couldn't fathom why Gamma Jax would be interested in her weapons handling.

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