Starting Over Pt. 3

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You gave yourself another once over in the mirror as you assessed your make-up and hair, then laid your outfit for your date on the bed. Bucky would be picking you up in an hour and you wanted to make sure that you had everything ready to go. Wanda was insistent that you leave early in order to have time to shower and reapply your make-up for your date. After a bit of protest and even more arm-twisting by Wanda, you reluctantly left the shop and headed home.

It didn't take long for you to shower and do your hair and make-up, so you had spent the last half hour trying to calm your nerves by watching Netflix. It wasn't working, though. Everytime your focus got pulled to the show, something in your brain snapped your attention back to the fact that tonight was your first date with Bucky. Regardless of how the two of you felt about each other, there were still so many ways this date could go wrong.

What if he thought you were weird after spending more than just ten minutes talking to you? You had quirky traits just like most people, but that didn't mean Bucky would find them endearing. Maybe he'd think your laugh was annoying or the spark that he thought was there just wouldn't ignite. God forbid he tried to kiss you goodnight and you ended up sneezing straight in his face. You groaned as your brain produced scenario after scenario of awkward and downright humiliating things that would probably never happen, but you couldn't stop picturing. You didn't have to wait for your date in order to be put out of your misery, though, because Bucky called you a half hour before he was supposed to pick you up and ripped away your chance to make an ass of yourself.

"Hey, Y/n. I'm so sorry to have to do this, but I'm going to have to cancel." Bucky sighed.

After his big speech, he wasn't even going to give you a chance to embarrass yourself. He was skipping straight to the ghosting you part...again.

"O-Oh. I understand. It's okay." You said, trying to mask the disappointment in your voice.

"I really am sorry, Grant's sitter just called to cancel and Steve and Sam are already busy tonight."

Using his son as an excuse was a low blow. He could've just said he made a mistake. At least it wouldn't have been a lie to spare your feelings.

"Yep, I understand. I guess I'll see you next Saturday." You started to pull the phone from your face to end the call when you heard him call your name.

"Y/n, wait!."

You placed the phone back to your ear and waited for him to speak.

"Can we maybe go to lunch tomorrow? Or, once I put Grant down in a few hours we could video chat. Maybe like a virtual date?" Bucky asked, hopefully.

Your brow furrowed at his request. Why would he ask to video chat if he was cancelling to avoid you? Unless Grant's sitter really did cancel and you jumped to conclusions.

"Wait, Grant's sitter really did cancel, didn't she?"

"Yeah. Did–did you think I was lying?"

"I, uh, maybe. I guess I thought you were regretting your decision and were trying to find a way out of it without hurting my feelings." You mumbled.

You expected him to be mad or upset that you automatically assumed he was lying, but instead you heard him chuckle.

"Y/n, I told you I want to do this. If I was having second thoughts, I would have told you instead of trying to blame it on my son's babysitter."

"Sorry, I feel like an idiot now."

"Don't. I get why your mind went there, but I want to work on building a relationship with you. No more doubts or hesitation." Bucky said softly.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now