Worth The Wait Pt. 2

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Senior Year, two weeks before graduation

"Bucky! Wake up. We're going to be late for class!" You yelled and banged on his door again.

You and Bucky had been close since the first day you met on campus. The two of you bonded over your love of astronomy and your desire to one day work for NASA. In the nearly two years that you had known each other, your lives had fallen in sync with the other. Your class schedules were almost identical and you were even able to get him a job as a waiter at the restaurant you worked at. The manager was a family friend, so she always made sure to schedule you and Bucky on the same shifts. You and Bucky had grown so close that by the end of your junior year, you decided to rent an apartment off campus together instead of dealing with the cost of on campus housing.

The only downside was that you had fallen in love with Bucky. You did your best to hide it. Since the night he'd almost kissed you, nothing else had ever happened between the two of you. You both had dates here or there, but they never went further than the first date. You thought that finding someone else would help you forget your feelings, but no one ever gave you butterflies the way he did.

"Y/n, why can't we skip today? I'll even go see that new romance movie you wanted to see and take you to get sushi afterwards. Just let me sleep in." Bucky groaned when he opened his door.

"We can't slack off just because we're about to graduate. Get ready and then come eat. I made you breakfast." You said, walking away from his room.

"You're evil!" He yelled, making you laugh.

Bucky was still bleary eyed when he walked into the kitchen and sat down at the small table in the corner of the kitchen. You place a plate with an omelet in front of him and he grunted out a 'thank you' as he started to eat. To be honest, you would've loved to spend the day lazing around your apartment, but you had worked too hard to get your degree and you wanted to see it through with the same gusto you started with. The only bright side about today was that neither of you had to work and you only had a half day of lectures.

"Do you want me to pick up some burgers and snacks after my last class and then we can watch movies the rest of the day?"

You took the seat across from him and rested your chin in your palm.

"Please. I just want to be a gluttonous slob and do nothing once I get home." He mumbled.

"Sounds like a great idea." You giggled. "So, how'd your shift go last night?"

"You know damn well how it went." He said with a glare.

Willa had come into the restaurant again asking to be seated in Bucky's section. Once she found out where he worked, she began coming in almost once a week to flirt with him. On occasion, he was able to get someone to cover her table so he didn't have to deal with her. She'd pout the entire time as she tried flagging him down, but he was a pro at avoiding her. However, last night they were swamped and he couldn't trade tables. He spent an hour and a half dodging her touches and rejecting her propositions.

"Just two more weeks, Buck. Then we'll be out of here and starting our grad program two whole states away from Willa Taylor."

"It isn't soon enough if you ask me."

Bucky had all but grabbed the poor girl and shaken her to get her to realize he wasn't interested. It gave you a sense of vindication that she was getting the karma she deserved. The one man she wanted was the one she couldn't have and it made you bristle with satisfaction.


After your last class ended, you headed to pick up burgers and milkshakes for you and Bucky. The line was long since it was lunch time and it was a popular spot since it was close to the university and had some of the best food around campus. Bucky texted you to let you know he was on his way home and you were replying when someone tapped you on the shoulder.

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