I Feel you

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"You HAVE to go, Tom, you're under contract. You don't have a choice." She held his hand and looked from him to Luke and back, her smile as gentle as her voice. "It's ok. I promise to still be here when you get back."

Luke had appeared, not just bringing flowers and good wishes, but also news.  The film Tom was working on next? Well, the production company needed him to go over and do pre-filming PR interviews.  The studio was taking a bit of a risk with the subject matter, so they needed to bang the drum as much as possible.

Tom, however, disagreed.

"But I said I would be there for you." He could barely form words. His chest was so tight. This was a disaster. "I promised." He sounded almost desperate.

Luke stood up, feeling like the spectre at the feast. "I'm so sorry Tom, I know it's the worst possible timing, but there was absolutely nothing I could do. You have to be in the States for the whole of September and October. There's just no budging them." He looked at Ali and sighed, "Honestly? If I could have arranged it any other way, I promise I would have. I know you need him, but at the moment?  The studio needs him more."

"I know Luke, it's really not your fault." she smiled, then looked at Tom "or yours. Now," she stood up with the air of someone deliberately changing a painful subject, "who's for a cuppa? Luke? Milk and two, isn't it?" She walked away to the kitchen, leaving them in her wake.

Tom looked at his friend and shook his head. "Sometimes she just blows me away."

"Just sometimes?" Luke smiled thinly.  "Go, talk to her, I have calls to make. We can talk more in a minute."

Standing waiting for the kettle to boil, there was the sound of feet behind her and a slight cough.  Turning, she came face to face with a very shame faced looking Tom. "What is it?" Ali put a hand on his arm, as if she didn't know.

"I... I don't know what to say or do to make this right?" he sounded the very epitome of sadness.  His eyes, framed by those expressive eyebrows, were full of emotion.  Ali smiled gently, despite everything he had persevered.  Despite her best efforts, he refused to be pushed away, wanting to be with her, to help her at any cost.  She had to accept that he really wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Oh Tom, it's ok, honestly." she whispered as she drew him close, snuggling into his chest. "Close the door, I think we need to have that conversation now." she really meant every word. This wasn't a man who was looking for an excuse to leave her. This? This was the real deal. If he was this determined to be with her? Who was she to think for him? Why should she deny him what he seemed to so desperately want - her?

Tom pulled away and closed the kitchen door.  As he did so, he saw Luke standing at the living room door, watching, still a little afraid it was all going to kick off. 

When Tom smiled and closed the door, he let out a sigh of almost relief.  He went into the door, closing that too. He took out his phone.  There was still so much to organise and hardly any time to do it, but he would try.

"So, conversation, eh?" Tom took her outstretched hand and came to sit with her at the table.

"Yes, I erm..." she swallowed, suddenly nervous. "I... there's something I need to say to you.  It's... it's not the way I ever thought... but..." she paused again, taking his hand and entwining their fingers. "It's probably no... it's definitely something I should have been honest about a while ago." she looked up from their hands to his face.  

He nodded, drawing her closer, getting the feeling this was all going in one, wonderful direction. "Go on?" His voice was soft, his breath warm on her lips as he bent closer. "What is it, my darling?"

She looked up into his eyes, feeling herself falling into them. Her mind dissolved along with her ability to speak. "Love..." she swallowed and tried again, whispering softly. "I love.....you." her mouth barely finished the words before she pressed her lips to his.

For a few moments, there was nothing. No kitchen. No house. No illness. No separation. Just Tom and just the kiss.

They broke the kiss, sitting for a moment in 'that' silence after they parted.

"You're so beautiful, my darling, so sweet and loving and kind. I don't deserve you. I may have to go for now," he paused and rested his forehead on hers, swallowing to control the tears. "When I come home? To you? To US? I am never, ever leaving you again. I love you."

He stood and wiped his eyes, "now, let's go and put Luke out of his misery ." He smiled. "Together? We can face everything and anything."

Which, as they would find out, was really just as well. 

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