Execution Part 1

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HIII THIS IS ANOTHER DESERT DUO STORY YIPPIE (Their too happy... I have to do something tragic to them...) This will be based on hermitcraft season 7 Turf War!

REMINDER! I haven't watched season 7 I've only heard and read some stories so please don't attack meeee. I will just be writing what I think happened. I am reading off a wiki soo..... If it is wrong DONT fight me 😭 


Mycelium Resistance- Grian, Impulse, Ren, Etho, xB, Ijevin, Stress, Doc

Hermitcraft Environmental Protection (H.E.P)- Scar , Bdubs, Keralis, Xisuma, Tango, Cub, False, Mumbo

In war, there is always one side that wins and one that loses. The losers carry the burden of having lost and sacrificed so much, only to come out on the other side empty-handed. They will always be tormented by the fact that they were defeated and forced to surrender, that all of their sacrifices were in vain. They will carry that feeling with them for the rest of their lives, and will never be able to forget it. They will remember how they lost and how they fell, always carrying that bitterness deep within them. It will fester and eat away at them, making them wish that they could forget and have a second chance to fight. But they can't. The past is set in stone and the war is over, and they will never get the chance to try again. It is a crushing realisation for the losers, and one that they will never escape or forget. 

In this story, the two sides represent the Mycelium Resistance and the Hermitcraft Environmental Protection (H.E.P), who have been competing and working to win over the other. The Mycelium Resistance, which is headed by Mother spore Grian, has been fighting to establish a fungus-filled kingdom. The Hermits' Environmental Protection (H.E.P) led by Mayor Scar are trying to stop the resistance from spreading the fungus and are attempting to keep the ecosystem pure and free of disease. 

Grian was enjoying some home cooked food that he had been making himself when suddenly he received a message from his friend Bdubs. "Guys meeting?" the message read, and the other members of the resistance had already agreed. Grian continued to nibble on his bread as if he had forgotten that there was supposed to be a meeting, and then he was suddenly transported to a jail cell. 

The other members of the resistance looked around at each other with confusion and fear, as they were clearly in a location that wasn't their H.Q. It was apparent that someone had tampered with their teleportation system, as they had been transported to a location that was unknown to them and was unfamiliar. Grian looked at everyone's faces and immediately asked "What? Who played with our teleportation system?" 

Suddenly a chilling and menacing laughter echoes through the jail chamber, bringing Grian's attention to the other side of the bars. Standing there with a smile was Mayor Scar, looking a bit too relaxed for the situation. "Mother spore. Welcome! Welcome to H.E.P jail," he said, which got a startled reaction from Grian and the other members of the resistance. "Haha, very funny Scar, let us out," Grian said, trying to conceal his fear and anger. Mayor Scar smirked at Grian, and then reached up to gently place his hand on Grian's face and tilt his chin up to meet his gaze, looking him straight in the eyes. He kept the cold smile on his face as he spoke, showing no signs of remorse or weakness. "I'll let you out if you surrender," he said, his voice firm and uncompromising. 

Grian let out a soft laugh as he responded to Mayor Scar's demand, showing no fear or trepidation. "You wish," he said flatly, not willing to show any weakness or signs of surrendering the resistance. Mayor Scar was unconcerned by the response, instead choosing to smirk and walk away. As he left the room, he said "Well enjoy your time here darling," and the door was left locked and closed in his wake, leaving the members of the resistance trapped. 

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