Chapter 18: Fort Logger

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"Of course the rain has to hit!" the Healer exclaimed.

Both Ronn and Junil were now trudging through the mud as a steady trickle of water rushed past their legs. It wouldn't be long before the water was going over their feet, and soaking their footwear in the process.

The rain was already starting off heavy, battering the straw raincoats they were both wearing. The shabby coats were enough to keep their top halves dry, for the time being, but their shoes and socks were getting soaked.

The muddy water beneath their feet was starting to splash on the bottom half of their pants, essentially guaranteeing that their shoes would be soaked through-and-through

"This is cold," the Healer said, through chattering teeth. "How much further do we have to go?"

"Not far," Ronn continued. "We may need to climb a section, and then we will be at the front gates of Fort Logger within a few minutes of walking."

"Climb?" Junil asked, incredulous. "Climbing, in this weather?"

"Indeed," Ronn replied. "I have stated that there is some climbing required. The rain, while unfortunate, should not hinder our efforts. We have gone through worse, after all."

That was undeniably true. However, Junil entirely expected this mission of apprehending the Demon Lord's sister to be a quick campaign. Now, she was shivering underneath a cheap raincoat as the heavy rain began to soak through the inadequate straw waterproofing.

Finally, they reached the 'climbing' section. However, due to the heavy rain, it was less climbing and more trudging up muddy slopes that had formed due to the rain in question.

If there had been any more water, Junil swore she would've had to swim up the cliff.

It had gotten to a point where Ronn had to unsheathe his sword to stab into the ground, to use as a walking stick. Junil likewise used her short staff similarly, digging the end of it into the mud for grip.

"...The first time I've used this in months, and it's as a walking cane," the Healer muttered.

Eventually, it got to a point where they had to grab tree roots to even hold on to the water rushing past them. Junil almost tripped once, but Ronn swiftly grabbed her by her forearm to prevent her going face-first into the mud.

"This is excessively harsh weather," Ronn stated.

"You think?"

Junil was less than amused.

The rain was beginning to let up. The trail was still a muddy mess, but the lessened rain meant that not as much water as before was going to sabotage their trip.

Eventually, they could see a glimpse of some of the outer watchtowers of Fort Logger. They were tall yet simple structures made of untreated logs, with a small wooden platform on top that wasn't even covered to protect it from the elements.

"You said this was a lookout post, right?" Junil asked. As she trudged through the mud, she looked to her right to see that one of the posts in question had been toppled. Based on how sunk into the mud it looked, it seemed to have been that way for some time. "Eugh, why's this place so... poorly maintained?"

"The area around Fort Logger has always had particularly harsh rainstorms during this season, like the one we have just gone through," Ronn said. "Establishing a permanent residence has not been easy. Hardy materials are difficult to carry up."

"Really?" Junil asked. "Considering how much you said this place was important, I'd thought that it'd... look a little better, let's just say."

"Fort Logger was indeed important during the War," Ronn clarified. "However, this fort has only ever seen use two times. The garrison was pulled back shortly before the War had concluded."

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