||My Love as Night||

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Her pov:

In the classroom, our eyes subtly meet,

A smile follows when our paths discreet

Your presence, a sunbeam in my gray,

A gentle spirit brightening my day

Such a sweet boy, and I'm a touch shy,

Longing to share feelings that I imply

Every moment with you is a sweet refrain,

I cherish each second, free from disdain

I'm akin to the night, gazing at your light,

Yearning for a connection, silent and right

You're my sun, radiant and bold,

Outshining others, a story untold

Outgoing and helpful, your kindness shines,

Love for the outdoors, in your car that defines

I gaze at the sun, admire its gleam,

Dreaming that one day, in my arms, you'd beam

I'm the night, you're my daylight's grace,

Hoping for a future where we find our space

As the sun sets by the beach's edge,

Shared laughter, a bond that won't fledge

Love unspoken, a delicate ballet,

Fearing words might push you away

Yet, in this silent plea, my heart does pray,

For the courage to express what I feel today

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