26. When they broke down

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'Scott is a real asshole. ' Stiles said, sitting at the table and reaching for another slice of pizza.

'Well, he got what he wanted. ' muttered Emily.

'But at what cost? Fooling everyone like that. I don't get it. '

Stiles shook his head.

They were sitting at a table in their usual meeting place, Talia Hale's house. Everyone had managed to eat except Stiles, who was always hungry, and Emily, who couldn't swallow anything.

Her relationship with Scott hadn't been the best lately, but she'd never thought that her brother could do such a thing to them.


She didn't think about the fact that she was probably adopted. She looked like her mother and Scott. She had chocolate eyes like Scott, her hair dark and curly like her mother's.

She had to go home and talk to her mother about what she had discovered. She hoped that she would be honest with her.

'Earth to Emily. ' Talia spoke, snapping her fingers in front of the girl's eyes.

Emily looked at the woman.

'Sorry, I got carried away with my thoughts again. What were you saying, Mrs. Hale? '

'I asked why you're not eating. But I'm also wondering when you're going to stop calling me madam. '

'When I start calling you Mom. ' Emily said, biting into a slice of pizza.

'Be careful what you ask for. ' Derek said with a grin.

Talia shook her head and got up from the table.

'This is too much for me. Anyone want some
whiskey? '


After the meeting at Talia's was over, Emily said goodbye to everyone and went back to her house with Stiles. Scott was not there, and Emily guessed that he had actually gone to the Argents'.

He would have become a hunter if it wasn't against his nature, Emily thought as she walked into the kitchen. There she found her mother standing in a hospital uniform, drinking coffee. She looked at her daughter.

'Oh, you're home. Finally. '

Emily smiled weakly at her.

'We need to talk. '

'Don't tell me you're pregnant. ' Melissa said weakly.

'No. I was at home looking for papers to enroll in a nursing course. '

'And what about that? '

'I found papers that said I was adopted. Is that true? '

Melissa looked worriedly at her daughter and sat down in a chair. She hid her face in her hands. To Emily, it was an unequivocal answer. The woman lifted her face and looked at her daughter.

'I wanted to tell you one day, but so many terrible things have happened to you that I didn't want to add to your worries. '

'Then why did you adopt me? '

'After Rafael and I got married, we tried to have a baby, but we were not successful. We did tests, everything was fine, and I still couldn't get pregnant. One day a young man came to our town. He had a small child that he wanted to leave here. He said that the mother had abandoned the child and that he did not have the strength or the conditions to raise it. I took it from him. That was you. And about two years later, I found out that I was pregnant, but I didn't think for a moment about giving you up. You are my daughter. '

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