Overdue Visit (Lampert & Infected)

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(You can take this as platonic or ship. Both of them are teenagers in this)

Ship requested: by many people
Plot by: ArtypawsStudio

Lampert hovered his fingers over his phone as he stared at his pre-typed message. He was about to text someone that he really missed being in his life. The person that used to be there for him, used to hang out with him, and stuff like that. However, they somehow just stopped talking after Kasper caught the virus… And that impacted Lampert by a whole lot. Lampert heaved a sigh of distress before hitting the send button reluctantly.

L: Hey Infected. I'm Lampert. Hope you remember me, because I do. I know we haven't been talking a lot, or at all for that matter. And I was kind of missing you, so can we maybe hang out sometime? To catch up, of course. I think that a visit is long overdue.

After hitting the send button, Lampert heaved a sigh of distress. That was more stressful than he thought it would be. Before managing to set his ifone down, a buzz vibrated through his ifone. He saw the message from Infected. He could not say he did not expect it, since Infected was usually on his ifone taking pictures and texting. All things teenagers do.

I: Hey Lampster, Ofc I remember U!!

I: And ofc I'll hang out with U

I: Tbh I was thinkin about hangin out with U too, since I also miss U

I: Mb U can come over to my house? Like rn!! Only if U want/can tho :)))

Lampert was suddenly jolted awake with energy after reading Infected's last sentence. He rushed to reply back to Infected.

L: Right now? Ah, I’ll be right there soon. See you there.

With that, Lampert sprung up from his seat and ran out of his door. He slammed his apartment door shut before rushing down the stairs. His footsteps echoed through the quiet atmosphere of the staircase. There was no time to take the elevator, for it’s going to take quite a long time. Lampert was skipping steps at this point from the rush of excitement he was facing. He could briefly remember the way to go to Infected’s house. The last time he went was about 3 years ago, when he was 15. Hopefully he would not get lost on his way over.

Infected scratched his head in confusion. He looked around his apartment, everything looked well prepared for Lampert. However, Infected felt like something was missing, somehow. Maybe there were no snacks for the both of them? Infected let out a sneeze before going to the kitchen cabinet in search of food. He washed his hands first before laying a hand on the bag of chips that were in the now pre-opened cabinet door. Infected placed down the bags of snacks on a table and wiped the beads of sweat trickling down his face. Infected was proud of himself for managing to be this organised this year. After that moment of appreciation for himself, Infected started to feel bored, and his ifone was charging. His eyes darted to the left, and the set of instruments caught his eye. Especially the drums. He liked playing the drums, considering it was loud and…loud. He walked over to the drums and started banging out to the beat.

Lampert placed one of his hands on the entrance door, panting. He ran all the way here so quickly, just to see Infected again. He tried to catch his breath before realising that drum beats were coming from Infected’s apartment. Lampert hesitatingly knocked on the door, hoping that Infected would maybe hear his knocks.  Undoubtedly, Infected did not hear them. Lampert started to call out his name while knocking the door continuously.


After a few more times of his name being called, Infected finally heard the familiar voice from Lampert. He dropped his sticks and sprinted over to the entrance. He swung open the door and what greeted him was an anxious looking Lampert. Upon seeing Lampert’s face, Infected plastered a big smile. He placed his hands on Lampert’s shoulders.

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