Suicide Camp! (part 3 of be mean to me)

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(Tw: Suicide mentions)

Request by: Jello_Pla

“Spud camp is being robbed again!! Welp, there's nothing we can do about it!!” Pest read a poster that was hung on one of the trees. He squinted his eyes to examine the picture of himself that was on that poster. His eyes darted around before tearing it apart. He sprinkled it onto the floor before walking away like nothing happened.

“They didn't even get my pincers right…” Pest muttered under his breath. To be honest, he did not know why he was at Spud Camp. There really was nothing to rob. It was just some dirty old place so that people can waste their time and “hang out”... There was nothing worth of value. Or time for that matter. Pest looked around the place as he observed the conditions of the place. It just proved his point. He noticed that tons of coins were scattered around the place. He decided to pick them up.

“This place really needs a clean up.” He said as he looked at the sand covering the coins. They all lost their shine because of the filth from this place… Well, from the ground of course. It was basic common sense.

“Isn't that bucket guy supposed to be around here? Unless he ran away because he heard I was here.” Pest thought to himself. “Oh well, might as well find the guy and rob him too.” Pest started to quicken his pace and started to look around the area. He continued to observe his surroundings. Pest looked up the sky.

The moon is beautiful today..

Pest came back to the same spot after searching the whole camp. He heaved a sigh of disappointment.

“...He did run away. I guess there is no free bucket I could've sell.” Pest was about to walk away, but was cut off by faint sobs in the distance. Pest did not dare move. In fact, he was having a flashback. A very terrible one…

“That guy needs to get out of my head. It has already been 2 weeks since it happened.” Pest started to get irritated by the annoying sounds of the sobs and crying. It rang his ears like church bells. Whoever was crying, needs to shut. The . Hell. Up. Pest, being the curious person he was, decided to investigate.

“I'm gonna tell them to shut the hell up. They can cry at home, but not when I'm around.” Pest said as he rummaged through the bushes. The crying was getting louder, which told Pest that he was getting near.

“Found them..” Pest murmures as he peered through the bushes. It was really hard to see since it was night time, and he was in a bush. However, he could always recognise that Party Hat from miles away, with its vibrant colours flashing his eyes. Pest noticed that Poob was crying the same way he did at the subway…and it made Pest annoyed with the guilt and sorrow he was feeling. He does not know how to get over that situation, even though he usually does every time. He felt like pushing his feelings away was not enough, so he pushed everyone away… Now that Pest reflected on what he's done, he did not feel that good anymore. But yet, he still decided to watch what Poob does. Just in case…


Poob looked at the time on his ifone. It was 8pm. He heaved a sigh behind his shaky sobs. He wiped away his tears with his hand. He felt a stinging pain in his chest. He knew he has not been himself lately. He didn't bake yesterday, he didn't interact yesterday, he didn't go in the elevator yesterday, he did not come out of his room today, he didn't even celebrate yesterday, and it was all because of the feeling of depression and anguish. Because of what happened that day. He really loved everyone, he really did. But now he was thinking, did they love him back though? What's really the point if they don't return the same feelings? What's the point, if they don't even like you? What's the point if they don't want to talk to you? Or see you? Poob knew who he was thinking about. He knew that it wasn't targetted to everyone. But he chose to live like this, with this knowledge. And he didn't want to anymore. He didn't want to remember the fact that Pest didn't care. And the fact that he couldn't blame it on him, just because he didn't want Pest to feel worse about him. Thinking about all of this made him cry even more. His eyes were stinging…Really bad…From all this crying… Poob's attention went to a nearby rope…on one of the wooden logs…

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