More than highschool love Part 2 [Wallmark]

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[so like it's going to be something like the janitor's closet but different scenario so mind if it has the same wordings]

requested by: a reader [i couldn't find their comment but yes]

Emma stole glances at Wallter during Math class, wondering what caused Wallter to have that constant smile whenever he was flustered. Emma could see that he was fiddling with his hands while the Math teacher was teaching. Emma raised an eyebrow when Wallter let out a soft and unsteady chuckle. Wallter's palms were sweating too, concerning Emma.

When did Tall Wall have such a reaction like that? Is he unstable or something...? Emma thought to herself before snapping back to look at the whiteboard, noticing that the chalkboard was already filled with tons of notes. Emma took out her notebook and started to write down the things shown on board, not trying to notice Wallter.

"Meet me in the field later."

Wallter could clearly remember Mark's instructions that he gave to him before break ended. There was one more period before school ended, and it was the subject he was sitting in right now. Wallter was too focused on his own thoughts that he did not know what the teacher was talking about. Wallter used his hand as a rest for his hand as he continued to think about Mark. The guy that was amazing at Design and Technology even though he kept failing other subjects like a typical popular guy. The guy who was very social and got along with almost everyone. The guy who had-

"Wallter!" Wallter snapped back to reality by his math teacher calling on him. The teacher noticed that Wallter had been what they call 'building castles in the air'. Wallter could feel tons of pairs of eyes on him, making Wallter sit up straight [rip those at the back]. Wallter swallowed a lump in his throat, bracing himself for whatever embarrassment he was going to face.

"Wallter. What did I tell the class to look out for the upcoming test?" The math teacher glarede at Wallter, waiting for a response. Wallter broke into cold sweat under the eyes of all of his classmates. Wallter did not dare to break eye contact with his teacher and remained absolutely still.

"You can't answer??" The teacher shot a threatening glare at Wallter, which gave him goosebumps. He could hear snickers coming from Contaminated and his other classmates. However, the teacher did not do anything about it.

"What daydream were you having that was SOO important?? That's even more important than my lesson??" The teacher asked. A loud snicker came from Contaminated, meaning that there was something 'funny' he was going to say.

"He's probably thinking of his BOYFRIENDDD!!" Contaminated laughed out loud, followed by everyone else in the room, even the teacher let out a chuckle. Wallter covered his face using his hands, hiding his soon to be flustered face. He really could not blame Contaminated however, because he was right. The math teacher let out a cough to clear his throat, to which the class fell silent. Wallter was frowning with embarrassment as he shot a glare at Contaminated, making it harder for them to hold in their laugh.

"Ahem. Wallter, you have to stay back so that I can tell you what you missed, and it's a lot. And if you have any meetings with anyone, you can forget about it." The teacher said the last part in an exaggerated manner, as if he knew he was supposed to meet Mark. Wallter's eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Just great...


"So that's why you should use my method during your exams. Do you get it?"

"Yes..." Wallter groaned from exhaustion. It had been 15 minutes since school ended, but it felt like an eternity. The teacher checked his watch and looked up.

"I think it's time for you to go. I don't want your parents to complain about you being 'late'." The teacher shooed him away before heading towards his desk to pack his things up. Upon hearing what he said, Wallter sprung up from his chair and snatched his bag from the floor before sprinting out of the door. Wallter climbed down the stairs with an unzipped bag, however it was easier to climb down the stairs that time since there was nobody around. In fact, the school was deserted, almost looking like an abandoned area. Upon remembering why Wallter was so nervous in the first place, he quickened his steps. The butterflies in his stomach grew as he sensed himself going closer to the field.

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