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I crossed my arms over my stomach and tapped my foot against the floor. I made sure it was loud enough for General Mills to hear. I had a date with Karro in a few hours and the fat ass in front of me decided a meeting was needed this late.

"It's been over a week and you've made no progress."

I pulled my chin upward, looking at my superior. I never learned his first name. It was rude and against The Blood's policy to ask. I wasn't supposed to know his last name, either, but Mills could not hold his tongue. We were taught to refer to a General by their number. Mills, for example, was General 84.

But I would continue to call him Mills. It made him squirm knowing I had caught his loose tongue.

"Do you know what kind of man Karro is?" I spoke slowly, making sure his small brain could catch my words. "It's going to take a little more than spreading my legs to lure him back here. Alive, especially."

"Careful with the way you speak to me," General Mills warned. He sat forward, propping his elbows on his desk. I sunk further into my chair, staring up at the ceiling. I regretted murdering my previous General. Mills was an absolute bore.

I wanted to laugh. I hated superiors. I despised every last one of them with every ounce of my soul. Even if General Mills was higher than me ranking-wise, he was nothing to The Blood. There were hundreds of Generals. Me, on the other hand. I'd been born for this; for Karro.

If anything, he should be careful with how he speaks to me.

I grabbed the bridge of my nose, groaning. Between us were many files laid neatly across the table. It wasn't just of Karro anymore. It was both of us. I knew they would be tracking us together, to ensure the mission was on track; however, I hadn't expected this many. Every moment we had alone was being watched. There were photos of us mid fuck, too.

My lips twitched. We looked good together.

I looked away from the photos and to Mills. "Do not doubt me. I know what I am doing. I was raised to do this, General." I gritted my teeth together. Karro was born similar to how I was; raised to be a Commander. But Karro betrayed The Blood. I was raised to replace him and kill him. Karro's karma.

I planned on stoning him alive in front of all three sectors.

That would prove a point. Maybe after that, I could kill the Murthaa, and rise to that level. I could be all three sectors. I could be powerful. She oversaw it all. She should have been my superior rather than some lousy cock sucker like Mills.

"You are drawing this out. Get to it." General Mills threw a photo in my direction. It was of me, with a contorted face, holding onto Karro. We'd been in the bathroom in the photo. It was from last night when we'd drank a few too many, and nearly fucked in the restaurant.

"I like to play with my food." I shrugged, throwing it back in his direction. This was the largest mission The Blood had ever seen in centuries. I wasn't going to let this stupid fuck ruin it.

"Well, we don't have time for this. Just get on with it. Do whatever you need to do. Fuck him in whichever way will bring him back here. I don't fucking care. Just hurry up." General Mills leaned backward in his chair, crossing his ankles on top of his desk. "I'm so ready for this bastard to be dead."

Mills looked down my figure. I wore a tight black jacket paired with leggings and tennis shoes. I'd come to The Blood this late to train and blow off steam before meeting with Karro. If I had to estimate, I had twenty weapons hidden within my clothing.

General Mills had no reason to be speaking so bitter.

"You shouldn't be ready for him to be dead. This is an opportunity. You want him dead because you are a lazy piece of shit. You rush me because you are a lazy piece of shit. We can prove a point with this. We will prove a point with this. And I am not going to ruin this because of your insolence." I stood from the chair and spat on his desk.

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