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I entered the room, Karro's hot energy closing in behind me. I ignored his curses and made my way to the window.

When Karro entered the room, the door slammed shut behind him. A soldier had to have been on the other side of the door, waiting for us to enter. It was too fast.

I squinted and stared up at the window. There had to be a screw that I could not see; a loose bolt or a melting seal.

"You don't ever fucking shove me like that," Karro hissed.

I tilted my head and continued to search for a weakness in the window. "Get over yourself, Karro. You aren't worth my time."

Karro reached around my neck and clasped his palm around my throat. He pulled me backward into the front of him. His other arm wrapped around my hips, preparing for my legs to come flying toward him. Smart. After a single fight, he'd already memorized how I played.

I pressed the back of my head into his collarbone, attempting to push him away. He felt like a wall of muscle; it only hurt me to try and push at him.

This was such a fucking waste of time. I stared up at the window and went still against him.

"You and I are going to be in this room for a very long time. Stop acting like a fucking brat and get over yourself. Moping is not going to get us out of here any faster, Naga."

My name was spat out.

We were not going to be in here for a "very long time." I'd kill myself before I allowed that to happen.

I laughed. He dug his fingers into my throat. I was so close to the window; so close to trying. It was out of his reach, even when standing. But, together? I could try. I could do something.

"You have to be joking. You are such a hypocrite. You have spent the entire time with your back to me, moping. Karro." I spat out his name as he had mine.

He went quiet.

I did not look away from the window. I debated if I could pry it open with a small scalpel. "We are both moping," I continued. "Boo, fucking, hoo. Let go of me and lift me to the window."

I nodded to the window above us. After a silent minute, he released my throat. He shook his head. His chin brushed against the back of my hair. "It's no use. I've already tried."

I stepped forward and turned to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest. "You are also stupid."

"Shut the fuck up," Karro said.

His eyes slipped away from my face and down to my chest. I crossed my arms together, tighter. The tank top did no good in covering my breasts. Everything spilled out of the cloth.

When he returned to me, his face was tense.

I sucked in a breath and looked back at the window. "Please," I spat. I had to force the word out of my mouth. It made me shudder.

His lips perked. I would have missed it if I were not staring at his lips. "Okay," he said, on the verge of grinning. I wanted to slap him. He was amused by me uttering a single word.

I avoided his eyes when I grabbed his shoulders. I attempted to house myself up with my upper body strength, but it was no use. His large and calloused hands grabbed hold of my waist, pulling me onto his shoulders in one fluid movement.

My face was on fire.

I kept my chin toward the window and my face away from him. He didn't get to see me like this.

of blood and lies ; dystopianWhere stories live. Discover now