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My mouth intensified against Karro's.

I slid my tongue into his mouth and traced every taste inside of him. He mimicked my movements, exploring the roof of my mouth and the back of my tongue. If he kissed me any harder, he would be in the back of my throat.

I shuddered at the feel of his buds dragging along mine. He tasted as he had before, and as he had so long ago. Sweet. Every drop of him was so fucking sweet. I wanted to run my tongue along his entirety and claim him as my own.

He was mine.

Unfortunately, I was his.

I rolled onto my side, my front going flush against him. His hand slid between us, lowering until the tips of his fingers met the small strip of skin above my low-hanging pants. Goosebumps engulfed my skin, but it felt like fire ate at me.

When we'd first kissed in this room, it felt different. Fast. Like we were getting it out of our systems, in a way. This, though? This felt like passion. Slow and hard.

Karro continued to rub slow circles against my lower belly. With every gesture, his fingers moved closer, and closer, to the waistband of my sweatpants. I whimpered against his mouth.

He was close. So, so close.

All he needed to do was slip his hand down the hem and latch onto the heat a few inches away.

I moved my thigh to rest on his hip. It parted my legs open, giving Karro the consent he wished for.

He slid three fingers down the front of my pants. I didn't break the kiss. It was my only way of muffling the noises he was about to pull from me.

My body jolted into him. Soft, clothed breasts hit his hard chest. I clamped my eyes tighter shut and kissed him harder. I did not want to make a noise; I did not want him to see me. It felt too real. It was me, not someone I could hide behind; that terrified me.

His hand clamped down on the apex of my thigh. He squeezed the flesh hard, fondling it in his calloused hands. My belly began to throb. He was so close to where I wanted him to be. I could buck my hip up, and he'd be there. I could take matters into my own hands if I wanted and fuck his fingers with a simple shift.

"Please," I gasped. I pulled away from his face and gritted my teeth. I hated that I'd begged. I wanted to rip out my tongue.

I dipped my face down, blocking his view of me. I rested the side of my face against his chest and looked down between our bodies. It was a beautiful sight. His tan, strong arm, disappeared into the depths of my pants.

I grabbed a handful of his shirt, keeping myself steady.

His smallest finger left my thigh and moved to my panties. I shuddered as he ran his finger up and down my covered slit, molding the fabric to my wet folds.

I threw my head back, shutting my eyes. His mouth sunk onto my neck, pulling my skin between his teeth. I reached for his hair, pulling him harder into me. Karro let out a quiet and low growl. The vibrations from the noise shot through my neck and down my body.

I shuddered, rolling my hips against his pinky. I needed something inside of me. Anything.

"So impatient," he hummed, into my neck. He continued to mark me. I wanted to do the same. I wanted him to be covered in dark marks the next time we walked into that cunt's office.

I did not respond. I couldn't speak. I nodded, my brows knitting together as the need grew too intense. I could feel pleasure dripping down my legs. I did not want this anymore, I needed this.

of blood and lies ; dystopianWhere stories live. Discover now