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I blinked, staring at Karro.

Karro sat outstretched in the chair. His legs were extended in front of him, and his arms were relaxed behind his head. He was too comfortable.

I gulped, the image of their bloody handprints returning.

My Anaka.

My Karro.

It was him. It had to be.

"You," I spat, narrowing my eyes to slits. I probably looked like a stranger to him. I was covered in blood, trembling from the tension I was holding onto. I couldn't breathe. I wanted to rip my chest apart to be free of the ache.

"Me," Karro replied. A sly smile crept up.

I did not want to cry in front of him.

But, I did.

The mascara and lipstick I'd worn for him were now a streaked mess. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to hold myself tight.

"You killed them," I said. I sobbed. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Karro stood from the chair.

I should be afraid of him. I was more worried about my composure than him. "What is your name?" he asked.

"You killed them," I gasped. My vision blackened. Rage and grief came together, squeezing at my neck. I reached for my neck, clawing at it. I clawed at myself until I bled-- I wanted to breathe.

"I don't know what you are talki--"

"You killed them," I repeated, my head spinning. I grabbed the closest object to me. A lamp. A mix of cry, whimper, and sob came out of me as I threw the lamp in his direction.

I aimed for his head, but he easily deflected it.

I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to exist. I wanted to crawl into a corner and hide in the warmth of myself-- as I had done when I was a child.

"You're a liar," Karro said.

He said something else, but I did not listen. My body trembled and noises slipped out of me. I convulsed, trying to calm myself down.

Karro took a step closer to me. I looked down at the gun in his left hand. And then the knife in his other. There was no blood on the blade-- no blood on him. I wanted to see it. I wanted to see the proof of what he'd done.

I reached for the gun that was hidden beneath my vanity.

I pointed it in his direction, preparing to shoot him before he could shoot me.

I was met by the barrel of his own gun. It pressed hard into my forehead. No one had ever gotten this close to killing me.

I pressed my gun into his chin.

Neither of us pulled the trigger. We were fucking pathetic.

I dropped the gun from his chin. It landed a few inches from his feet.

I walked backward, toward the wall. Karro followed me to the wall, engulfing my small steps with his large strides.

When my back hit the wall, I slid down it. I wrapped my hands around my head, trying to sink inside of my own skin. I wanted to cower from this world-- I was such a fucking coward. I wanted to disappear inside of myself, and wait until the world fell back into place.

Karro threaded his fingers through my hair, the gun against my scalp. He jerked my head up, forcing my gaze onto him. He looked terrifying. Beneath the flashing red light, Karro looked something beyond anger. I'd never seen anything like it.

"Don't be a coward, now, Commander."

Karro's large hand wrapped around my bloody throat. The self-inflicted scratches stung against his palm. I choked, grabbing onto his hands. I pried at his tight hold with my nails. It was useless. He was too strong.

He tilted his head, looking down at me. "Are you not going to speak?"

I removed my struggling hands from his. If he wanted to kill me, I did not care anymore. He'd be killing both of us. Based on the tight hold he had around my neck, it did not appear that he cared about killing our child too.

"You killed my Anaka." My voice barely made it past his tight squeeze. I coughed and gasped, trying to catch my breath.

His face twitched and his brow curved. I knew that look. He was confused. How dare he act confused. It had to be him.

I reached for his face, digging into his skin. I was going to rip the smug expression right off of him.

"Stupid fucker," I hissed. He jerked his head backward, out of my reach. I balled my fists and hit at his chest, arms, and face; anything I could reach. "I would do it all again."

Words spewed from my mouth. All I could think of was my Anaka.

"I would do it over and over. I wish you could have seen me kill your mother. And your brother." I laughed, gathering a wad of spit to send in his face. "She cried. You should have seen it, fucker."

Hot tears were trailing down my face.

Karro looked expressionless.

He jerked me forward, toward him, before slamming my head hard into the wall. My vision blurred and I felt peace trickle across my skin.

He pulled my back toward him, and then into the wall. My head spun and I felt a crack in the back of my head.

"I loved you," Karro admitted, after the third blow. I could barely stand.

"So fucking sad," I growled.

Karro smiled and my head hit the wall once more. This time, everything went black-- I could finally breathe.


what we thinking of karro now? :)


im so iffy about naga. i love her and feel bad for her but my girl has noooo filter

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